Eastern Mediterranean: Peace Torpedoed over Hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean

No to nationalism, no to war, no to Natural Gas drillings! The discovery of hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean seabed adds another factor to the competition between the ruling classes of Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Today’s crisis, which has been going on for months, is the worst since the 1974 war, both in terms […]

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Canada-Wide Transport Disaster – Public Ownership Needed

In 1967 the Boxtops sang “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane, ain’t got time to take a fast train.” 53 years later in the Canada of COVID-19, the chances of going anywhere, whether by plane or train or even long-distance bus, are severely limited. Even before COVID, Canada’s transportation system between towns and cities […]

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Climate Change: The Devastating Prospects of Increasing Prolonged Droughts

Christian Pistor is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). The Urgent Need for System Change 2020 is set to be either the hottest or second hottest year on record. As such the five hottest years on record will all have occurred since 2010. So far total global […]

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Site C Dam’s Troubles Grow

The BC NDP’s decision to proceed with the Site C dam a few years ago was a slap in the face of every progressive climate policy that the party claimed to espouse. That was only the tip of the iceberg however, since not only was Site C an ideological betrayal, it did not make sense […]

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Kenney’s Assault on Alberta Continues

Alberta has a long and proud history of community support, cooperatives and working-class struggle, yet in taking a page straight from the political playbooks of the US right wing, the United Conservative Party (UCP) continues to dismember, subdivide and undersell our province’s wealth and security, bankrupting current and future generations. Jason Kenney recently announced a […]

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Jobs AND Environment Program

World Depression Canada and the world are in the worst economic depression in at least 90 years. At the start of 2020, the world was on the edge of a deep recession – COVID-19 plunged the economy over a precipice. Canada is facing years of high unemployment and extremely low growth. Weak domestic and foreign […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #15

Socialist Alternative has produced a summer special issue, #15, of our magazine, after a break due to COVID-19. We plan to return to normal production with an autumn issue out in September. The Whole System is Rotten Defund the Police – Re-Fund Social Services

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Canada Re-opens – Socialist Alternative Demands:

Governments across Canada, and the world, are pushing to re-open the economy. With COVID-19 still rampaging, this is putting profit before people. But the economy won’t just re-open. Millions are unemployed, many more have lost wages and face a rent crisis. People are not going to spend as they did before. Business is not going […]

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The Whole System is Rotten

As COVID-19 engulfed the Earth, most governments failed to protect society. A rare few acted quickly and decisively to test, trace, isolate and provide personal protective equipment (PPE), managing without lockdowns and widespread closures to contain the virus. Many, such as Canada, acted too little and too late. Others, such as the US, Brazil, India, […]

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Siberia: Climate Change and Environmental Catastrophe in — a Vicious Circle

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia). If Siberia were a country, it would be the biggest in the world, stretching from the Arctic to Mongolia and Central Asia, from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural mountains on the edge of Europe. It contains incredible nature including the magnificent Lake Baikal […]

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