Socialist Alternative Magazine #9

Build Homes We Need Housing Crisis Stopping Kinder Morgan Pipeline France 1968 Ontario’s Election Women Fight Back … and more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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The threatened oceans

Kate Jones is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). “We thought the oceans so vast that nothing we could do would have any effect on them. Now we know this was wrong”. (David Attenborough, Blue Planet II, BBC, 2017) Millions of viewers were enthralled by Blue Planet II, and many […]

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Stopping Kinder Morgan

The resistance to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline to Vancouver is building. At the end of January British Columbia’s NDP government announced restrictions on any increase in diluted bitumen (dilbit) allowed to pass through BC’s coastal waters. In early March, in the biggest gathering so far against the pipeline, 10,000 people joined as First Nations stepped up […]

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South Africa: Cape Town’s water (mis)management crisis

Rose Lichtenstein is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). No to profiteering! Cape Town is facing its worst drought in almost 100 years. Rainfall was at a 100 year low two years in a row, and the dams that supply 98% of Cape Town’s potable water are currently only […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #8

Housing Emergency Housing Emergency – Action Needed Stop Kinder Morgan Pipeline Fight for 15 Women Fight Back Indigenous Stolen Children Jean Swanson Campaign A Day in the Life of a BC Teacher Canada Today The Fentanyl Crisis … more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Northern California Wildfires: Lives Ruined, Profits Protected

Rob Darakjian is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Wildfires in Northern California, first reported October 8, have raced through communities, up valleys, and over freeways, catching many residents completely off guard and killing 42 people. At present, 21 separate fires are spreading over several hundred square miles, blackening much of the landscape […]

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Puerto Rico: Trump’s Katrina?

Justin Harrison is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. More than three weeks after back-to-back hurricanes Irma and Maria tore through the Caribbean Islands, leaving a trail of devastation and human suffering, Puerto Rico is still in a state of emergency. As we go to press, 85% of the island is still without […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #7

If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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How to Stop the Kinder Morgan Pipeline

Trudeau, Canada’s Liberal Prime Minister, has stated loud and clear his determination to push the Kinder Morgan pipeline through to Vancouver harbour, carrying 890,000 barrels a day of diluted tar sand’s bitumen. The pipeline will feed 400 super tankers, each with a capacity of 120,000 tonnes, a year passing through the harbour. The pipeline will […]

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US: Hurricane Harvey – a tragedy made worse by capitalism

Brian Harrison, Patrick Ayers, and Ramy Khalil are members of Socialist Alternative in the US. Hurricane Harvey is a historic tragedy affecting millions of people. Socialist Alternative wishes to express our deepest solidarity to all those who have lost loved ones or homes, and will face hardship for weeks to come. Houston, the fourth-largest city […]

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