More Salmon Woes

For thousands of years Pacific salmon, in their bounty, provided plentiful food for the people of the coast. Many described themselves as “Salmon People.” After living in the ocean for several years, the salmon return to their rivers of birth to swim upstream to the gravel beds to spawn and die. Along the way, overcoming […]

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Another COP, Another Failure

Philip Chmel is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). How to Fight Back to Win At the COP27 climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, the world’s ruling elites showed once again that they are absolutely incapable of protecting humanity and this planet from the climate catastrophe […]

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COP 27: Capitalism Values Profits Before a Livable Planet

This year’s annual meeting on climate, COP27, is being held in Egypt, ruled by a brutal dictatorship. The world’s business and political leaders do not want to be disturbed, while the planet burns by the annoying inconvenience of protesters demanding a future for themselves, the future generations, and their homes. The deadly, and frightening, impacts […]

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Climate Change: Imperialism and Hypocrisy

It seems that no matter the scale of the social crisis, there is always money for war. Less than a year after COP26, the Trudeau government is boosting military spending, including $19 billion on new fighter jets. These 88 F-35 jets operating together would burn 5,600 litres of fuel per hour, about 10 percent of […]

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Worst Floods in Pakistan’s History when the Country is Virtually Bankrupt

Geert Cool is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). Pakistan’s poverty-stricken masses face many problems. There are the persistent shortages and the price rises while incomes do not keep up. At the end of August, inflation stood at 45%. Public infrastructure and social protection are almost non-existent. […]

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Oil-Slicked Progress: Climate Bill, Cowritten By Coal Baron, Makes History

Meaghan Murray is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is being touted as the largest climate bill in U.S. history – but what does that actually mean, when the bar was so low to begin with? President Biden’s original climate legislation for the IRA crumbled in mid-July, when […]

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Lessons from the Lucas Plan

Martina Gergits is a member of Sozialistische Alternative (ISA in Germany). Paul Gerrard is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). How workers can fight against climate crisis We live in times of crises. The effects of the climate crisis are being felt more and more. As extreme weather events including forest fires, […]

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Murder of Bruno and Dom is the Result of the Criminal Policy of the Bolsonaro Government

Marcus Kolbrunner is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (ISA in Brazil). All support to the strike of the workers of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI)! Xavier out! All support to the struggle of indigenous peoples in defense of their lives and lands! The barbaric murder of the Indigenous activist Bruno Pereira and the […]

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Canada’s Fossil Fool

A joke currently doing the rounds: “Definition of a fossil fool — A politician who spends $9.1 billion on an emission reduction plan while spending twice as much to expand a tar sands pipeline.” No prize for identifying the fool in question. The foolishness is underlined by the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on […]

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Australia: A Vote for Climate Action and Against the Right

David Elliott is a member of ISA Australia. The election brought a shock to the two-party system in Australia, but one that has been coming for a long time. 1 in 3 voters rejected the major parties as their first preference, the highest proportion in history, up from 1 in 4 at the previous election. […]

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