NDP Fails in Alberta

Just over a year ago, the NDP was in front of the United Conservative Party (UCP) in every opinion poll, with an average lead of over 10 percent. Yet on May 29, the UCP won a majority of the votes (52.6 percent), and seats in the poll that matters: Alberta’s election.  In 2020 and 2021 […]

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Alienation and Capitalism

We are publishing a pair of articles from our current magazine on Solidarity and Alienation, that go together well. Alienation is a defining feature of our epoch that Marx wrote about near the beginning of the industrial era. We are social animals and alienation goes against the very nature of our being. Marx described how […]

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World of Disorder

Report of the discussion on World Perspectives at ISA’s 2023 World Congress Climate disasters, raging inflation and the threat of a world recession. A brutal war in Ukraine and rising global tensions. Three years of COVID with health systems teetering on the breaking points. Political polarization and unstable governments. The ruling class looks to the […]

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China: From Zero to Max COVID

As the Chinese New Year approaches, China is again the epicentre of the global pandemic. Despite a total information blackout, it is clear the country is experiencing an explosive spread of the virus after suddenly abandoning its three-year Zero COVID policy of hardline controls. This has been replaced by a chaotic “laissez-faire” position of minimal state […]

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Ontario Health System Privatization

“‘It’s going to bankrupt health care’: Spending on temp agency nurses up more than 550% since pre-pandemic at one Toronto hospital network,” ran the headline in the Toronto Star. “Ontario isn’t ruling out privatization in health care,” was a headline on CBC News. Temp Agency Nursing is Privatization Given the shortage of 15,000 nurses since […]

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