Two deadly pandemics: COVID-19 and Violence Against Women

Canada’s deadliest mass shooting started after the gunman assaulted his partner. The shooting rampage on April 18 and 19 left 22 people dead. His partner was tied up and escaped into the woods. “This means that three of the deadliest mass killings in modern Canadian history – the 2018 Toronto van attack and the 1989 […]

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Trump Inaction Fuels Disaster

Tony Wilsdon is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The threat posed by COVID-19 was not a secret. The devastating spread of the virus in China, and the fact that it could be transmitted person-to-person was world news by the middle of January. The science of virus transmission and the steps to minimize […]

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US: Build a Fighting Labor Movement

Bryan Koulouris is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is clear as day now: working people make this economy run. While billionaire hoarders and corporations get bailed out and millions of us are laid off, workers on the frontlines have been risking everything to deliver essential goods […]

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Capitalism and the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919

Keishia Taylor is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The 1918-1919 “Spanish Flu” killed between 50-100 million people, more than the number of deaths in the First and Second World Wars combined. According to expert Laura Spinney the Spanish flu “re-sculpted human populations more radically than anything since the Black Death.” The […]

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EU in crisis and COVID-19

Finghín Kelly is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). Last week saw a major clash between eurozone finance ministers with a 16 meeting ending in a deadlock before a face-saving meeting later agreed to a package of measures worth up to €540 billion. This has been heralded with much fanfare as a […]

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The Road to Ontario’s Care Homes Horror

This article updates one from the same author from May 2019. The premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, would have us believe that the deaths of 249 people (April 20) in residential care homes are just an unfortunate aspect of the COVID-19 crisis. In reality, it’s a case of a chronicle of deaths foretold. Step back […]

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Caring in the time of COVID

Socialist Alternative interviewed Amanda Where do you work, and what is your job there?  I work for a pharmacy, as a Community Mental Health Worker, in a medication monitoring program. My job involves going around to a list of patients in the community, who are certified under the BC Mental Health Act, to give them […]

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EU Crisis: The Hypocrisy and Cynicism of the Rich

Andros Payiatsos is a member of Xekinima (ISA in Greece). “Shame on you. Shame on Europe. Stop this circus now.” These words did not come from an angry demonstrator but from the French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire, during the last meeting of the Eurogroup, made up of the Economy and Finance […]

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Pills for Need Not Profit

Under capitalism, disease is an immensely profitable industry, and huge pharmaceutical corporations excel at extracting enormous amounts of wealth from our public health. They are trying to use COVID-19 to make even more profits. Under capitalism, disease is an immensely profitable industry, and what huge pharmaceutical corporations excel at is extracting enormous amounts of wealth […]

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Work in a Primary Care Clinic

The COVID-19 crisis has shown a remarkable ability to lay bare any issues, inadequacies, and lacks in our provincial health care system. In order to better understand exactly how the pandemic is straining our health care system and revealing its flaws, I talked to Blake, a health care worker, about how his job has changed […]

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