Why I’m Not Running Again for City Council

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. This article was originally published by The Stranger. This is now the tenth year I’ve had the honor to serve as an elected representative of Seattle’s working people. Workers in Seattle, through getting organized alongside my socialist City Council office, and my organization, Socialist […]

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Rail Workers Betrayed by Biden and the “Squad”

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A socialist cannot be a strike breaker. This needs to be the end of any pretense by DSA that the “Squad” is socialist, and should result in their expulsion from the organization. Failing that, the Squad’s betrayal of the working class becomes DSA’s betrayal. […]

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France: Strike Movement in the Refineries Shows the Way

For almost 50 days, workers at 7 refineries across the country have led a strike that has shaken both the oil giants TotalEnergies and ExxonMobil, as well as the Macron government. The powerful strike movement, which was beginning to spill over into other sectors, carried the potential for a major struggle to obtain a pay-rise […]

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Escalating Strike in France

Philip Chmel is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). Expropriate the Energy Capitalists and Climate Killers Escalating the strike is the best answer of the working class to company blackmail and the government’s threat to force striking refinery workers back to work. The climate movement needs to […]

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Truss Sacked, Government Implodes: Tories Out Now

This is a joint statement between Socialist Party Northern Ireland and Socialist Alternative in England, Wales and Scotland. Escalate workers’ action — For a general strike! Fight for a socialist alternative! Another Tory prime minister bites the dust. In scenes less like a slow-motion car crash and more like a high-speed multi-vehicle collision, Tory MPs […]

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Britain: Historic Class Confrontation

Danny Byrne is a member of ISA’s International Executive. Economic crisis, a rising strike wave, ‘Enough is Enough’ and the need for socialist solutions During the last global “stagflationary” crisis, in the 1970s, Britain was often referred to as the “sick man of Europe.” An oil crisis, triggered by geopolitical turmoil, plunged the world economy […]

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Britain: Enough is Enough Campaign Launch Gets Huge Response

The Enough is Enough Campaign has been launched by various figures from across the labour movement because, as RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch says “people are fed up with the way they’re treated at work. We need to turn that mood into real organisation on behalf of the working class”. Working class people are facing […]

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The Uber Files: Criminality & Exploitation Behind the App

Manus Lenihan is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The hype around the ‘ride-sharing’ app Uber has always been shadowed by protests and scandals. But now the Uber Files, released by a whistleblower, have revealed that under the grand phrases about ‘the sharing economy’ there was rampant crime and exploitation. Across the […]

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Spain: On Strike

John Hird is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (ISA in the Spanish State). Since the lifting of COVID19 restrictions, various sectors of the organised workers in the Spanish state have started to take action. The catalyst was the magnificent metal worker’s strike and movement in Cadiz at the end of 2021. In the Basque Country, […]

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Lessons from the Lucas Plan

Martina Gergits is a member of Sozialistische Alternative (ISA in Germany). Paul Gerrard is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). How workers can fight against climate crisis We live in times of crises. The effects of the climate crisis are being felt more and more. As extreme weather events including forest fires, […]

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