South Africa: Major Victory for Clover Workers

ISA is proud of the role WASP played in mobilising support for the strike by Clover workers in South Africa, including international solidarity from Socialist Struggle Movement in Israeli-Palestine, where the headquarters of the company are located. After nine weeks of strike action, Clover workers have come out victorious with a collective agreement between Clover […]

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Iran: Victory to the Workers of Haft Tappeh!

Solidarity message from ISA to the Haft Tappeh sugar factory. Down with the corrupt factory owners & their allies in the Iranian regime To the colleagues and comrades from the Haft Tappeh sugar factory, ISA (International Socialist Alternative) expresses its solidarity with your heroic struggle against the corrupt factory owners and the allied repressive Iranian […]

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US: Unions Need to Get Organized Now to Defend the Vote

Ryan Timlin, President of ATU 1005 (personal capacity) & Cora Bergantiños, President of CPW-UAW Local 4100 (personal capacity). The stakes have never been higher. Working class people face the combined threat of the pandemic, an economic crisis, and climate change. Trump and the Republicans are looking for ways old and new to steal the election […]

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South Africa: Workers Unite Across Federations in Nationwide Strike Action

Awakening a giant: the mighty working class is on the march Workers from all major union federations turned up in the thousands for the 7 October #CosatuNationalStrike. SAFTU, NACTU and FEDUSA called on their members to support this action, marking an end to the long paralysis in the labour movement and a historic moment of working […]

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Belarus: “The Mustachioed King Must Go!” — Solidarity Appeal

ISA spoke to Petr Pechkurov, Belaruskali Strike Committee. One of the most effective strikes in Belarus took place at Belaruskali, where miners produce one fifth of the world’s supply of potash. Following this, five members of the strike committee were arrested and have since been in jail. The Strike committee has sent an Appeal for […]

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BC’s NDP Goes for a Majority

To no one’s surprise the BC New Democrats (NDP) have called a provincial election, which they are highly likely to win. The opposition parties are having little or no impact and, not surprisingly, are criticizing the decision. COVID-19 COVID has dominated people’s thoughts for most of 2020. Up to recently, the NDP was considered to […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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School Reopening in a Pandemic: Smooth sailing or Pandora’s box?

Tim Heffernan and Martin LeBrun are Ontario and BC educators. They say that school days are the best days of our lives. This may be debatable at the best of times. But as the topic of this year’s return to school dominates media and family discussions, one thing is certain: everything is uncertain. With the […]

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Hungry for a Fight

Workers across the province are facing an uncertain future. Many of us were temporarily laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and under the current Employment Standards Act those layoffs will become permanent and accrued benefits lost unless we are among those “lucky” enough to be called back before 6 months has elapsed. Although some […]

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Regina Co-op Lockout of Workers

On June 22 2020, after a gruelling 6 month lockout, members of Unifor Local 594 who operate the Co-operative Refinery Complex in Regina reached a settlement with their employer, Consumer Co-op Refineries Limited (CCRL). The lockout was an often bitter and at times hostile dispute involving 730 workers. The settlement that was approved by 89% […]

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