Strike for Climate Justice: Youth Show the Way

Among the world’s youth there is an ever-growing feeling that they have inherited a doomed planet. The youth strike for climate justice on May 24 saw protests in 1,880 cities in 133 countries with 1.5 million marching. March 15 was the biggest so far this year with 2,380 demos in over 135 countries and 1.8 […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #12

Build Social Housing Alberta’s Election Ontario Education Rebellion Canada: Looking Ahead Youth Climate Strikes Resisting the White Paper Winnipeg General Strike … more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Ontario: Education Rebellion

On April 4, 100,000 to 200,000 school students walked out of 700 schools in protest against the Ford government’s plan to increase class size increases and other attacks on their education. The mood was energetic and enthusiastic. The students knew why they were protesting – to protect their education. Laughingly, Ford’s petulant comment even before […]

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Massive Global Climate Demonstrations

This year, around the world, there is a rising tide of mass demos, strikes and walkouts against climate change. Over 70,000 people braced a cold wet Sunday, on January 27, for the largest climate march in Belgian history. There have been mounting demonstrations throughout Europe. In Germany, Switzerland, and France, working people and students are […]

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Student protesters in Mexico City

Mexico: Youth rise up against the violence of the system

In early September, a massive student movement has rocked Mexico, in an inspirational show of strength by the student community of UNAM (main Mexico city university) and other campuses which have joined together to expel the fascistic “porros” groups from campuses. More than 39 campuses have voted democratically in mass assemblies to strike for between […]

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Student activists demanding release of detained Jasic Technology workers in Shenzhen

China: Regime crackdown and hunger strike by young detainees

At the end of August, the CCP (‘Communist’ Party) dictatorship launched a nationally coordinated crackdown against left youth activists and workers fighting for trade union rights in Shenzhen. Dozens have been arrested since police smashed down the door to the Huizhou apartment housing the Jasic Technology Workers’ Support Group, comprising dismissed workers and young left-wing […]

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Spain: Student general strike against sexist capitalist

Empty classrooms and over 100,000 on the streets in strike called by the Sindicato de Estudiantes (SE) and Libres y Combativas, the socialist feminist platform of SE and Izquierda Revolucionaria (CWI in Spanish state) The general student strike on 10 May, called against the shameful sentencing of the ‘wolfpack’ rapists has been a great success. […]

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Students protesting in Paris 1968

1968: year of revolution

Peter Taaffe is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Factory and university occupations in France. US civil rights and rage at the Vietnam war. Upheavals in Italy, Pakistan and Northern Ireland. Revolt in Stalinist Czechoslovakia. Repression in Mexico. Events in 1968 sent shockwaves around the world. Some years stand out […]

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France May 1968: Month of Revolution

Clare Doyle is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. In those days, there was a Cold War, but it was one between two very different social systems. The economies of the “West” were capitalist – based on private ownership and profit. In the “East” they were state-owned, bureaucratically-run, claiming to be “socialist” […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #9

Build Homes We Need Housing Crisis Stopping Kinder Morgan Pipeline France 1968 Ontario’s Election Women Fight Back … and more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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