Socialist Alternative Youth invites young workers, students, and climate activists to come together and help rebuild the tradition of Earth Day in Vancouver.
We all know that we need dramatic changes in our society to make the planet safe for us and for future generations. Today, a convergence of the climate movement with working-class struggles offers a way forward. Around the world, climate activists call for strikes and argue for “system change not climate change” and that “climate struggle is class struggle.” Climate activists have joined picket lines, demonstrating a growing understanding of the leverage the working class has to win real demands, by stopping the flow of profits for the bosses and the rich investors.
Let’s come together this year for Earth Day to build connections and map out the next steps for the climate-labour movement together. We need to demand:
- It’ll soon be too hot to work! Workers need a maximum temperature policy. (See Worker Solidarity Network’s Climate and Labour Campaign)
- Ban Fracking! Ending all government subsidies of fossil fuel companies and stop expanding fossil fuel production. (See the Wilderness Committee Future Without Fracking)
- Redirect all public money from fossil fuels to good green jobs, with jobs guarantees for oil and gas workers and their families, and a massive expansion of public transit (see BCFed’s campaign) and high quality affordable public housing for all.
- Democratic public ownership of the economy is needed to achieve a just transition. Expropriate the fossil fuel capitalists and put their resources under the democratic control of the workers! (See Socialist Alternative How Would a Planned Economy Work for more info)
Socialist Alternative Youth is fighting to overthrow the capitalist system and to build a socialist society. This would allow the full use of society’s resources and human skills to transition to clean energy, upgrade buildings to save energy, create high quality public transit and long-distance freight, and develop green and healthy cities. It would also allow for global cooperation to meet the pressing human needs in Canada and internationally. There would be many good union jobs in the planned transformation of society. Join us this year on Earth Day!
Event details:
Date: Saturday April 20, 2024
Start of march: Meet at 11:30am at Clark Park in Vancouver (corner of Commercial Drive and 14th Ave)
March: We’ll march north on Commercial Drive starting at 12pm
Rally: At 12:30pm we’ll arrive at Grandview Park for a rally with speeches and musical performances
We want to collaborate / RSVP: Socialist Alternative Youth doesn’t want to do this alone, if you want to get involved, to share your ideas or your demands, or if you’re part of an organization that wants to sign on and join in, please get in touch with us here!
We’ll also have live music featuring local artists!