Pasha is a member of Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong).
Crane operators protest
The past year can be described as one of big changes in China – showing a deepening crisis of the one-party dictatorship and China’s special form of state capitalism. There has been a historic change in the ‘Communist Party’ (CCP) regime’s structure with the ‘coronation’ of Xi Jinping as ‘ruler for life’ in March.
In the class struggle, since April, we have seen a series of daring strikes that have spread across many provinces. And in world relations the US-China conflict has sharpened dramatically. This is the most important global power conflict between the two biggest economic powers.
China’s trade ministry described President Trump’s tariffs imposed on July 6 as “the largest trade war in economic history”. It is not yet the “biggest ever” but further escalation is possible. The US-China conflict is not a passing phenomenon; it is now a permanent reality, with ups and downs, that forms a crucial part of the CWI’s perspectives for world capitalism.
We also have a new phase of China’s economic malaise. The regime’s crackdown on debt and shadow banking has led to a new economic slowdown and then, once again, at least a partial shift back to stimulus policies i.e. more debt. This shift can become bigger in the months ahead. China’s debt problem is a problem for the entire global capitalist system. No country in history has built up so much debt.
Reversal of Deng
The March meeting of the National People’s Congress – China’s pseudo parliament – was dubbed the coronation of Xi Jinping. It removed the term limits on the presidency so that Xi can rule for life.
Since the late 1970s, China has been ruled by a form of ‘collective leadership’ – a system set up by Deng Xiaoping, the architect of China’s return to capitalism. Deng’s power-sharing model and other political rules were designed to safeguard ‘stability’ and prevent power struggles within the state from going too far and threatening the existence of the dictatorship.
After the 2007-08 global crisis of capitalism, the CCP ruling elite needed a “strongman”, with unprecedented centralised power, to rescue it from its own crises – mounting debt and growing mass unrest.
In the six years since he came to power, Xi has waged an extensive anti-corruption drive, which is partly about corruption and gaining public support but mainly has been used to consolidate Xi’s position and defeat any opposition. Rather than overcoming the tensions within the Chinese state and ruling elite, Xi’s consolidation of power has raised tensions to a potentially higher level.
Despite massive censorship of the internet, ‘netizens’ in China were quick to express their cynicism and opposition online towards Xi’s ‘coronation’ with satirical metaphors. The internet censors had to quickly ban a whole list of words such as “two-term limit”, “constitutional amendment”, “I disagree”, “North Korea”, and even “Winnie the Pooh” (because of skits about Xi’s face resembling that of the fictional bear!).
This exposed the true level of support for Xi among the masses. Some commentators described Xi as the strongest leader since Mao. But Mao was a Bonapartist ruler who had been at the head of a movement that overthrew capitalism in China; the gigantic cult of personality that the regime built around Mao was only possible because of his role in the revolution.
Xi Jinping presides over a special form of state capitalism and his real support base among the masses is exaggerated. His power rests mainly on repression, nationalism, massive media ‘brainwashing’ but also the fact that some sections of the population still experience improvements. But this is more and more precarious. The foundations of Xi’s rule – unprecedented levels of debt, increased repression and nationalism – constitute a succession of crises waiting to happen.
Repression and backlash
Now state repression is the worst it has been since 1989. The government budget for internal security was $US193 billion last year – it has tripled since 2007. This is 19% higher than China’s military budget.
In the Muslim region of Xinjiang – which is half the size of India – China has built “the perfect police state”, says the Guardian newspaper. Between 500,000 and 1 million Muslim Uighurs have been detained in military-style prison camps – up to one in ten of the population. The CCP now rules Xinjiang through an openly racist apartheid-style system with more repressive laws for Muslims.
Despite having arguably the most sophisticated repressive state machinery in the world, mass resistance and protests are growing. Since late 2017, people in China have boldly taken part not only in large-scale online protests but also multi-province workers’ strikes, representing a dramatic new turn.
In April this year, crane drivers on construction sites went on strike in at least 13 provinces demanding better pay and conditions. They then called for a nationwide strike on May Day. Given the state repression and censorship, this is a feat in itself. These struggles are organised through closed online chat groups and instant-messaging apps.
Multi-province strikes
The crane drivers’ strike was historic in the sense that it was the most impressive, coordinated and daring action to date. Previously almost all strikes in China were in just one factory or one district. A nationwide strike is a very big change. The April struggle seemed to open the floodgates for nation-wide struggles.
In June, it was the truck drivers’ turn. They struck in more than 12 provinces protesting against rising fuel costs, high road tolls, police harassment and increased exploitation by an Uber-style hiring app. The truck drivers’ action was in cities from Chongqing in the West to Shanghai in the East. That is similar to the distance from Madrid to London. To do this under the world’s most powerful dictatorship is impressive.
And since April, army veterans in multiple provinces have been staging protests demanding payment of pensions and retirement benefits. Some veterans were beaten up by gangsters paid by the local CCP governments. Through links and networks in the army, tens of thousands of veterans were mobilised to protest in solidarity from across the country.
The army veterans’ struggle is important because, for one thing, it undermines Xi Jinping’s nationalist propaganda. There are 57 million retired soldiers in China. This issue may also impact on serving soldiers. How can the state defend the “Chinese nation” if it lets its old veterans starve and beats them up when they protest?
Earlier this year the government set up a new Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs because it was so worried about their protests. But the fact that they erupted anyway shows the limits of the state to deal with these problems.
#Metoo in China
Amongst other important movements in China are the feminist and LGBT movements. The #Metoo movement that swept the world also affected China deeply. In January, a Chinese academic working in the USA revealed online that she was sexually assaulted by her professor twelve years ago. Her tweet went viral and got huge support online among women in China
This triggered a movement online especially in schools and colleges. This even forced the state to pay lip service to the protests and condemn sexual violence. At the same time, the CCP feared the movement would get out of control and quickly banned any attempts to organise protests on the streets. A prominent feminist blog was banned.
The state censors then moved to ban LGBT topics. Weibo, the main blogging platform in China, announced it would remove “illegal content” including “homosexuality”. This triggered a massive backlash. The #IamGay campaign called for a boycott of Weibo. With over 500 million ‘shares’, it was probably the largest online movement in the world. It forced the company and the authorities to reverse the ban on homosexual content.
Mass struggles in China generally are getting more organised despite state repression and censorship, capable of staging and coordinating struggles across the whole country. Workers are clearly learning from the past, they are realising that the problems cannot be solved locally.
Radicalisation of mass consciousness is also a feature, although it is uneven. Workers generally confine their demands to economic issues and avoid challenging the CCP regime directly – partly to avoid state repression and partly due to lingering illusions in the CCP.
If the regime resorts to repression and crackdown, which is definitely the pattern under Xi Jinping, it is only a matter of time before workers draw conclusions that the dictatorship is a barrier to any real change and this will turn their struggles in a more clearly political direction.
Economic slowdown
The Chinese economy is facing crises on multiple fronts. The economy is in a slowdown after a short period of slight recovery in 2017. Since the start of 2018 the stock market has lost US$2 trillion, compared to US$5 trillion in the big stock market crash of 2015.
Economic data in the 2nd quarter is likely to be much weaker than the 1st quarter. The retail figures in May were the worst in 15 years. Investment growth rate is the weakest for 20 years. Debt as a share of GDP has risen from 141% in 2008 to 256% last year. This figure rises to 304% of GDP if shadow banking is included. Actually, the real level of debt is much higher. This is because most of the shadow banking debt is not recorded. Even the government doesn’t know the full picture.
The latest slowdown is forcing the CCP to revive the stimulus strategy again. For ten years we have seen the same zig-zag in economic policy – from stimulus to credit squeeze and back to stimulus i.e. more debt. The debt problem is particularly dire at the local government level – in towns, cities and also provinces, some of which are bigger than most national governments in Europe or globally.
This was partly the cause of the protests of army veterans. In fact, the local governments in at least 32 cities of six provinces now finance their social security and pension expenditure with loans from banks or shadow banks. This problem will only get worse with the rapidly ageing population of China.
One city in Hunan province was unable to pay its civil servants on time in May. Such wage arrears – for civil servants – were the first in modern China’s history. The debt crisis is turning into a social crisis.
Trade war and imperialist conflict
The escalation of the US-China trade war is another blow to the already vulnerable Chinese economy. On 6 July, tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on $US34 billion worth of imports from China represented the first shot after a long period of threats. This has since been followed with tariffs on a further $US16 billion of imports and Trump’s threat to widen this to a further $US200 billion of Chinese goods by September.
The Chinese regime should retaliate “dollar for dollar” with its own tariffs but they offered concessions to Trump, desperately wanting to avoid a trade war. Within the wider trade conflict there is a “tech war”. The main focus now of US imperialism and Trump is to stop “Made in China 2025” – the CCP regime’s plan to become a technological superpower.
The US government sanctions which banned the 3rd largest telecom infrastructure company, ZTE, from buying anything from US companies, basically forced the closure of the company for 70 days in April-May. The ZTE crisis exposed China’s dependence on the West for technology. ZTE gets 90%t of its semi-conductors from US companies.
Trump agreed to remove the ban on ZTE, but the subsequent deal is still humiliating for the company and the Chinese state. They have to pay a fine worth two years’ profits and, even worse, dismiss the whole board of directors and accept US “compliance officers” inside the company. This is a bit similar to what the ‘Troika’ of IMF and EU did to Greece – putting EU bureaucrats in to check the Greeks weren’t “cheating”.
The situation is complicated by the fact that even Trump has partly lost control over the trade war – the US Congress, Republicans and Democrats, now demand even tougher measures against China.
As part of its retaliation, China has allowed its currency, the yuan, to fall against the dollar. However, this is a dangerous move as it could trigger mass capital flight from China, like what happened in 2015. The regime would then have to impose more capital controls.
But this would mean saying goodbye to the dream of “internationalising the yuan”, to make it a global reserve currency. In fact, this process has gone backwards in the past three years. Fewer countries want to use the Chinese currency in international payments. The Swiss franc and Canadian dollar now have a bigger global share than the yuan. The domination of the US dollar in the global capitalist economy restricts the policies of the Chinese regime.
The US and China, the two largest imperialist powers, are contending for economic and geopolitical dominance. The confrontation between them has been sharpened by the global crisis since 2008.
While a “hot war” or direct military clash is not an immediate perspective, trade wars and other economic conflicts can become a proxy for military action. Any deals they reach in the current trade war may only be short lived and precarious. Their conflicts can further hit the world economy, which has not recovered from the severe crisis of ten years ago.
The Taiwan conflict can also be reignited as part of the sharpening US-China rivalry. This can potentially lead to war or serious military crisis in the future. The capitalist crisis has rapidly exposed Taiwan’s “pro-independence” DPP government, elected in 2016, as a neo-liberal capitalist party that also stands for increased arms spending and more deals with US imperialism, while imposing austerity on workers. None of the ruling elites – the US, China or Taiwan – has a solution which can only make the situation more dangerous.
The Belt and Road
Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 to gain new overseas markets for Chinese capitalism’s excess capacity. Also this was to prepare for future trade wars and increased protectionism globally. The BRI was added into the CCP regime’s constitution last year – the first time a foreign policy was enshrined in the constitution – to signal “no reversal” of this policy.
The Belt and Road Initiative contains over 70 countries. Its aim is especially to link the underdeveloped world into a China-led economic sphere through the construction of fuel pipelines, highways, ports, railways, electric grids.
We describe the BRI as “Imperialism with Chinese characteristics”. These characteristics are state-financed loans to build infrastructure and exporting some elements of China’s authoritarian rule. There is also a military component with some BRI projects – for ports and some railways especially – mainly driven by strategic military considerations.
China’s strategy to grab land and assets in smaller, less-developed countries is simple: it gives them loans for infrastructure projects, gets control over the projects, and when the country is unable to repay the loans, Chinese companies and the state get ownership of the project.
However, China’s imperialist aspirations are already facing setbacks. Mass protests erupted in Vietnam in June against foreign capital, mainly Chinese companies. These companies bought land from the Vietnamese government on 99-year leases – arrangements reminiscent of the old treaties of colonialism. The political tsunami of the Malaysian election in May saw the new government scrap the Chinese-led Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high speed rail project.
Worldwide investment in the Belt and Road Initiative is now slowing down. In the first five months of this year, contracts signed by Chinese companies were down 6% from a year ago. The growing number of BRI debt defaults will directly impact Chinese companies, which are heavily indebted. So, the Belt and Road Initiative, originally launched by the CCP to export excess capacity and ease debt, is now part of the problem.
Crackdown in Hong Kong
The developments in China have also had significant implications in Hong Kong where the CCP is trying to decapitate the democratic struggle. The Carrie Lam government represents a further sharp escalation of repression.
Over the past year, six democratically elected opposition legislators have been disqualified, over 40 youth and other activists imprisoned for participating in anti-government protests and six candidates banned from standing in elections on the grounds of support for “independence” or “self-determination”.
New draconian laws are being introduced including the national anthem law. Anyone in Hong Kong found guilty of “disrespecting” the Chinese national anthem is liable to up to three years of imprisonment.
The main bourgeois pro-democracy parties have been in full-scale political retreat. They have failed to put forward any new strategy of struggle against the authoritarian government. These ‘pan-democrats’ have in reality been a brake on the democracy struggle for decades, with similarities to the role of social democratic leaders and bourgeois nationalist leaders in other parts of the world:
They don’t believe in mass struggle and always try to reach a compromise with the regime, which, in China’s case, doesn’t have any chance of success.
They fear that mass movements, once they break out, will get out of control and become radicalised.
They defend capitalism and therefore do not want to push the struggle against the Chinese dictatorship “too far” because this would also endanger capitalism.
The CWI is alone in calling for a fighting, democratic movement based on a socialist programme, with a mass workers’ party as its core. We also explain that democracy, including self-determination in Hong Kong, can only be won by linking up with the mass struggles in China and internationally and overthrowing the CCP dictatorship.