Iran: Victory to the Workers of Haft Tappeh!

Asia & Pacific International Labour News & Analysis

Solidarity message from ISA to the Haft Tappeh sugar factory.

Down with the corrupt factory owners & their allies in the Iranian regime

To the colleagues and comrades from the Haft Tappeh sugar factory,

ISA (International Socialist Alternative) expresses its solidarity with your heroic struggle against the corrupt factory owners and the allied repressive Iranian regime. We support your ongoing fight against any form of privatization, dismissals, for the payment of unpaid wages, the renewal of your social insurance etc.

The fact that you were able to force a court jury session on the question of the removal of the current private owners shows the huge pressure you were able to build. As a result of the protests, officials and the judiciary have been forced to withdraw, and the matter has been assigned to a jury. But it’s clear that there can be no trust in them and in the murderous regime and its apparatus which has used all its power to suppress your struggle and demands.

Your struggle has become an international example of working class determination and courage. Despite massive repression and hardship you have continued strikes and protests and increased pressure on the ruling class and regime. Every promise made by forces of the regime was broken – and you know that you can only rely on your own strength and on independent working class solidarity throughout the country and internationally.

You have proven over the last years that workers’ control and administration is not only necessary – but absolutely possible. The strong slogan “Bread, Labor, Freedom, Council Administration” shows the way forward: The urgent need to throw out the bosses and to take over the factory – and the whole economy – under workers’ control. This is the only way to provide safe jobs, good wages, security and the end of any kind of oppression. This is why your struggle is directly linked to the political struggle against the whole regime and its system.

We’ve been following your struggle as well as the numerous uprisings of the Iranian working class and poor against the Islamic regime over the last years with deep solidarity and inspiration. We are convinced that it is only the working class – driving forward all the poor and oppressed sections of society – which is capable of overthrowing this regime by mass action and general strikes.

A strong workers’ movement will have the revolutionary potential to overthrow the criminal elites and to build a socialist Iran, based on freedom and a democratically planned economy and society. The Iranian working class has shown strong determination and power in the past, you are continuing these great traditions. The need for an independent, working class movement is now more urgent than ever.

The economic crisis, deepened by COVID-19, has internationally exposed the true and brutal face of capitalism. It is clear that this system is not able to provide health, safety or any perspective for the working class and youth. The Iranian regime, which is responsible for the dead, the economic hardship, unemployment and misery was already shaken by the power of the masses before this crisis. Its stability is built on sand – Long live the working class resistance – down with the dictator and the Islamic regime!

While there can be no trust in any imperialist force and we stand against all sanctions against Iran and any attempt of imperialist interventions of the ruling classes, international working class solidarity is absolutely key. This is why ISA national sections and comrades throughout the world will spread this solidarity message and the example of your struggle in their unions, left organizations and other alliances we are active in. The international working class and union movement must organize solidarity in order to support your struggle, we call them to do so.