Montréal: Old Port Workers Continue Strike – Solidarity Vital

Canada News & Analysis Quebec Work & Labour

oldportgreveOld Port Update

The Old Port workers in Montréal, after more than 3 months on strike, recently rejected a proposal from a federally appointed mediator, which was not an improvement on the company’s previous offers. The mediator’s proposal was an increase of 12% over 5 years instead of the company’s original offer of 9.5% over 4 years. This did not answer the main demands for a $15 minimum wage or sick pay.

Canadian Government Failing

The Old Port is owned and regulated by the Canadian government, through Canada Lands Company. Harper appointed the board of Canada Lands, so they are no friends of working people.

As the Old Port is federally regulated, the company can pay below Québec’s minimum wage. The company can also use scab workers, which is not allowed in Québec’s labour code.  The federally appointed mediator sided with the management and did not propose a $15 minimum wage or sick pay for all workers.

The Liberals in their election platform promised that their “plan offers real help to … all those working hard to join [the middle class]”, yet they do nothing to help workers get a $15 minimum wage. Trudeau claims that, “Labour is a solution, not a problem.” Words are not enough – action is needed!

For more info look here.

To support the Old Port workers:

  • Send messages of support to PSAC Local 10333 – Old Port Workers of Montreal, O. BOX 116, Succursale Place D’Armes, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 3H8 or [email protected].
  • Financial support is welcome (cheques made payable to Syndicat des employés de la Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal, at above address).
  • Send letters to Prime Minister Trudeau ([email protected]) urging the government of Canada to intervene in support of the workers of the Old