Join us Sunday March 10 for a Socialist Feminist Perspective on International Working Women’s Day
Today we are confronted with the devastating reality of climate change, war and imperialism as well as the harsh, everyday reality of women’s lives: precarious work, unequal pay, gender-based violence, threats to trans-women and LGBTQ rights. Women, Life, Freedom was the slogan of our last March 8th event — a slogan that spread from Iran around the world when women stood up and took off their veils. But now the shawl is enveloping bodies, small bodies. This year, we stand appalled at the images of the crying Palestinian mothers and fathers holding their dead children wrapped in sheets.
We recognize that there is only one thing to do — we who can, must fight. We must fight against a capitalist system that kills children. Millions of women around the world and here in Canada have been doing just that — defiantly standing up to the Israeli war machine and those who export arms to the Israeli state, fighting against gender-based violence and the growing right-wing backlash against trans rights and striking for higher wages and better working conditions.
On International Women’s Day, women, LGBTQ people and all workers’ demands for justice will be heard.
We invite you to participate in a national discussion about socialist feminism and why this perspective is critical for understanding the roots of women’s oppression.
Our national IWD event, held both in person and online, will include a number of speakers sharing their perspectives and analysis. These include:
Leslie Kemp, Socialist Alternative Canada’s Women’s Group convenor, will speak about the origins of IWD as a day that took up the pressing demands of working women, to abolish both the wage slavery of workers and the domestic slavery of women.
Grace Bodie, Socialist Alternative Youth’s organizer, will speak about the precarious nature of women’s work.
Joan Wright, Socialist Alternative US, will speak about working-class struggle in the US and trans and LGBTQ struggles for justice.
Émily Perrier Gosselin, Alternative Socialiste Québec, will speak about the recent public sector strike wave in Québec.
Nagar Rashidi and Tammy Sadeghi will speak about the Woman, Life, Freedom movement in Iran.
We will also include a speaker about the historic and current role of youth and women in the resistance movement in Gaza and other parts of the Palestinian territories and in international solidarity.
To join us this Sunday, please register here!