Make the Rich Pay for the Cost-of-living Crisis!
In this Issue:
Ford’s Ontario: For-Profit Everything
Climate Disaster and Youth Resistance
Health Care on Life Support
Women, Life, Freedom
The Rent’s Too High!
… and much more from Canada and abroad!
Socialist Alternative is Growing!
Starting with this issue we are moving to publishing more frequently, and our readers will see five issues a year with a newly designed look. This is an important step towards our goal of producing a monthly publication.
This change reflects Socialist Alternative’s growing membership and nation-wide readership; people are looking for answers amidst the deepening crises of capitalism and a looming climate disaster.
You can now subscribe to Socialist Alternative’s magazine for a modest $2 a month or $24 a year and receive each printed issue delivered to your mailbox. With an additional donation, you can become a sustainer of our magazine and build the forces we need to win a livable future.
Our subscription system is almost ready!! Check back here in the coming days for where you can sign up to receive the Socialist Alternative magazine right to your mailbox.
For printed copies, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]