Meet the new Doug, same as the old Doug

Some people have been fooled into thinking that recent policy announcements by the Conservative government of Doug Ford have made him an advocate for working-class interests. Ontarians have seen a slew of announcements this fall about temp workers, gig workers, injured workers, being able to “disconnect from work” and the minimum wage. Ford is obviously […]

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How Ontario won $15 Minimum Wage

Bruno-Pierre Guillette (Alternative Socialiste, CWI in Quebec) interviewed Tim Heffernan (Socialist Alternative Canada). In May, the Ontario government, to the surprise of many, announced its plan to introduce a $15 an hour minimum wage, beginning with $14 in January 2017 and reaching the full $15 the following year. Given that the existing minimum is $11.75 […]

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Montreal Workers Strike for $15

Socialist Alternative spoke with Jacques Fontaine, one of the striking workers Tell me the main points of the strike and why you are on strike. Some 280 workers of the Old Port of Montreal have been on strike since May 27. Our main goal is to fill the wage gap that has been created between […]

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Quebec and fight for 15

Bruno-Pierre Guillette is a member of Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec). The fight for $15 shows true colours of Parti Québecois No to an all-class pro-independence alliance Bruno, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec) Despite a number of scandals and in the face of growing opposition to its politics of austerity, the Liberal Party of Quebec […]

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