Capitalism Burns Jasper

The town of Jasper has been consumed by fire, with 30 percent of its buildings (homes, hotels, and businesses) destroyed. Parts of this majestic park are now ash. The conditions were terrifying. A wall of flames up to 100 metres high ripped through the town. Emergency responders without breathing apparatus had to withdraw as the […]

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Fire and Smoke

While Alberta’s deeply divided election rolls on, the province is suffering from fire and smoke. A dry winter and a hot spring have left much of the province tinder dry. The fires, that started in early May, by May 21 have already burnt over 940,000 hectares of land. This is more than any year since […]

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Alberta’s Election: It’s Going to be a Nail-Biter

After a few years of turmoil, Alberta faces a dangerously close election on May 29. The reversal of the deep hatred for the United Conservative Party (UCP) that gripped the province is astonishing. Replacing Premier Jason Kenney (the hated elitist) with Premier Danielle Smith (quietly, a former corporate lobbyist, but loudly, a reactionary right-populist) meant […]

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Jason Kenney Resigns — Now What?

Jason Kenney has announced his resignation as Premier of Alberta and leader of the United Conservative Party (UCP). This after 48.6 percent, nearly half, of the party voted against him. Kenney consistently has been one of Canada’s most unpopular premiers. Yet, just a week after he announced his resignation, a new poll had the UCP […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #20

Socialist Answer to Climate Chaos Youth: Fighting for Our Future Doug Ford Hypocrisy Alberta’s Woes Continue Indigenous Struggles Against Environmental Racism Precarious Renters: Berlin Victory Life of a Precarious University Teacher Socialist Sawant Defeats Right Wing Page from History: Japanese Internment Book review: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good Workers Fight Back … and more […]

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