Socialist Alternative Magazine #17

Capitalism’s COVID Disaster Women Organize Against Oppression Indigenous Struggles Continue The Struggle for Jobs and Climate US – China Cold War Will Continue Latin America: Struggle Returns Unite Here: A Fighting Local in BC Housing Crisis Ahead If you’d like to order paper copies, email us [email protected] Please make a donation towards our costs and […]

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Woman leading a group of demonstrators on road. Group of female protesting for equality and women empowerment.

Kenney’s Failure Fuels Far-right Fringe

Premier Kenney’s failed economic and COVID-19 strategies have resulted in enormous financial hardship for Albertans and augmented the breeding grounds of pandemic conspiracy theories and the anti-mask movement. The mandated closure of small businesses has affected the livelihood of thousands who work in and own restaurants and the rest of the hospitality sector. By cutting […]

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Travel Privilege Makes Me Angry

Some elected folks think it’s okay preaching obedience to public health orders, then taking off for the beach without so much as a jaunty “aloha” to the rest of us. Citizens are angry at Alberta’s Tracy Allard and her “tradition,” (undoubtedly dating back to the time of the druids), of a holiday trip to Hawaii. […]

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How to Tackle Alberta’s Unemployment?

Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party (UCP) are driving Alberta over a cliff, their attention locked on the rear-view mirror as they focus on an ideological commitment to big business and an especially nasty addiction to fossil fuels. They have consistently underestimated COVID-19 and acted too little, too late. They have devastated the province’s […]

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Politicians jet-setting, while COVID deaths mount

“We’re all in this together” has been a constant refrain from politicians during the course of the pandemic. From the beginning, there was never any truth in this. In the same storm, yes, but the boats that became available for this storm ranged from yachts, to rowing boats, to scraps of wood. Given what’s happened […]

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Kenney’s COVID About-face: Too Little, Too Late

Update, November 25: Twelve days ago Kenney finally recognized the threat of COVID, and took some limited steps. However, it was too little and today he was forced to take more thorough actions. Even still his actions are too little and too late. Dr. Joe Vipond, a Calgary emergency room physician, stated “Now that our […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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Kenney’s Assault on Alberta Continues

Alberta has a long and proud history of community support, cooperatives and working-class struggle, yet in taking a page straight from the political playbooks of the US right wing, the United Conservative Party (UCP) continues to dismember, subdivide and undersell our province’s wealth and security, bankrupting current and future generations. Jason Kenney recently announced a […]

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Class War in Alberta

Alberta’s Bill 32: Unprecedented escalation of Kenney’s war on workers There’s a good general rule for whether a piece of legislation will help or harm working people. If the business community says that it will lead to an economic Armageddon, workers probably stand to benefit (at the expense of their profits). But if the bosses […]

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Cargill’s Carnage

One of the most blatant examples of capitalism’s relentless pursuit of profits at all costs is being played out in High River, Alberta. Cargill’s meatpacking plant in High River has had the largest single-site outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada. With links to more than 1,200 COVID-19 cases as of April 29, 821 workers have tested […]

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