Alberta Reeling

Alberta is, once again, being subjected to neoliberal policies that threaten our livelihoods, our economy and the future of our province. Led by the most recent iteration of conservative coalitions, the United Conservative Party (UCP) is a blend of the misnamed Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, and the short-lived right-wing populist Wild Rose Party. In […]

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Eulogizing the Frontier Mine

Teck Resources Limited announced its decision to remove the Frontier mine from life support on February 23, 2020. The $20-billion project had spent the whole of its nine  short years awaiting a federal bill of health that would never come. Its conception promised so much, the largest tar sands project ever seen, $12 billion in […]

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Trudeau Approves Pipeline

We Need Jobs not Climate Disaster As the government owns the Trans Mountain pipeline to Vancouver it is no surprise the government has approved its construction. They are hardly neutral judges!! The pipeline will boost climate change by increasing the use of fossil fuels. This approval comes as eastern Canada is still recovering from devastating […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #12

Build Social Housing Alberta’s Election Ontario Education Rebellion Canada: Looking Ahead Youth Climate Strikes Resisting the White Paper Winnipeg General Strike … more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Environmental devastation at Alberta oil sands mine

Alberta’s Election: A Tale of Two Provinces

When the NDP swept to power in Alberta in 2015, many people were in shock. For 44 years, the Progressive Conservatives ruled the province, the longest unbroken run in government at the provincial or federal level in Canadian history. But the NDP’s rule has proved to be a temporary interruption in a long line of […]

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Majority of Canadians Heading to $15 Minimum Wage

Socialist Alternative Canada reviews the winning of $15, and its role in this victory On June 1, workers in British Columbia got the first increase on the way to a $15.20 an hour minimum wage. BC is following Alberta and Ontario in moving to a minimum wage of $15 or more. Alberta will reach $15 […]

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Trudeau Gives in to Kinder Morgan’s Blackmail

Trudeau has capitulated to Kinder Morgan’s blackmail. Canada’s Liberal government will buy the existing pipeline that runs from Alberta’s tar sands to the port of Vancouver for $4.5 billion. It is now Trudeau’s pipeline. It will be up to his government to try to force through the pipeline expansion against mass resistance. Trudeau’s decision will […]

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Trudeau Treachery – Liberals Approve Tar Sands Pipeline

Most of the world sees Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, as a progressive leader with a smiling face. He gained widespread support around the world for his promises at the Paris Climate Change conference to aim for 1.5o C temperature increase. The reality is different, as he announced on November 29 the government’s approval of […]

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Fire Devastates Fort McMurray

On the evening of May 3 the entire population of the city of Fort McMurray was ordered to leave as the ‘beast’ of an out-of-control wildfire swept towards it. 94,000 people fled their homes in a few short hours, from Fort McMurray and other nearby northern Alberta communities. Most people had a terrifying drive through […]

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Alberta Tories Kicked out after 44 Years – NDP wins Promising $15 Minimum Wage

The people of Alberta have delivered a stunning election result, upsetting the landscape of Canada. There were headlines in the US about Canada’s Texas electing a socialist government. The Conservatives were kicked out of office after 44 years and the New Democratic Party (NDP) won a majority government. The NDP won 41% of the vote […]

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