40 Years Since Liverpool Defeated Thatcher

Interview in 2004 with ISA member Laurence Coates, full-time Militant organizer in Liverpool in the 1980s. It is 40 years since the legendary Militant-led city council was elected to power in Liverpool, then Britain’s fifth largest city. On 5 May, 1983, Labour won the local elections in Liverpool, gaining 12 seats with a 40 percent increase in […]

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Half a Million on Strike in Britain

Tom Costello is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). What Now for the Workers’ Movement? The language of class war is the order of the day in Britain. As striking nurses have said on the picket lines: “Patients aren’t dying because we are striking. We are striking because patients are dying”, which […]

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Truss Sacked, Government Implodes: Tories Out Now

This is a joint statement between Socialist Party Northern Ireland and Socialist Alternative in England, Wales and Scotland. Escalate workers’ action — For a general strike! Fight for a socialist alternative! Another Tory prime minister bites the dust. In scenes less like a slow-motion car crash and more like a high-speed multi-vehicle collision, Tory MPs […]

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The Queen’s Death, King’s ‘Ascension’ and the British Monarchy

On 8 September 2022, Queen Elizabeth II died, ending the longest reign of any British monarch. In Northern Ireland, her death, the events around it, the actions of the establishment as well as how the worker’s movement responds can have significant consequences. These events are happening against the backdrop of important struggles of workers in […]

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Britain: Historic Class Confrontation

Danny Byrne is a member of ISA’s International Executive. Economic crisis, a rising strike wave, ‘Enough is Enough’ and the need for socialist solutions During the last global “stagflationary” crisis, in the 1970s, Britain was often referred to as the “sick man of Europe.” An oil crisis, triggered by geopolitical turmoil, plunged the world economy […]

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