Vancouver Tenants Rally to Ban Renovictions

“This is not a property management company, these are thugs!” exclaimed Carol Anne, a tenant living on Yew Street.  Carol Anne was one of several tenants speaking at a rally on November 9 in downtown Vancouver. The Vancouver Tenants Union (VTU) called the rally, drawing over 150 people to protest the renovictions that have contributed […]

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Jean Swanson Elected in Vancouver: A Victory for the City We Need

Jean Swanson’s election to Vancouver City Council is a step toward a political revolution in this city. News of this historic victory is already rippling around the world. Swanson came fourth highest in the ballot. But it is not just one of 10 seats on Council. Jean’s seat is the movement’s seat on City Council. […]

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Vancouver Election: COPE Rally demands The City We Need

COPE held the most boisterous rally of the Vancouver election campaign in downtown Vancouver on Saturday evening, drawing over 175 people. In addition to music and poetry, attendees heard from council, park and school board candidates followed by an inspiring speech by Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative’s city councillor in Seattle. The speeches were frequently interrupted […]

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Kshama Sawant to speak at Vancouver COPE Election Rally

COPE Vancouver City Council candidate Jean Swanson Socialist Alternative’s Seattle City Councillor Kshama Sawant Saturday October 13, 7-9 pm, SFU Harbour Centre Room, Room 1900 With all 2018 COPE candidates: Anne Roberts, Derrick O’Keefe, Barb Parrott, Diana Day, Gwen Giesbrecht and John Irwin. Two fearless activists who brought their fight for social justice to city […]

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Jean Swanson, COPE candidate for Vancouver Council

Aiden Sisler interviewed Jean Swanson. Aiden Sisler of Socialist Alternative interviewed Jean about why she is running for Council, what she will do when elected and about going to prison for peacefully protesting against Trudeau’s pipeline. “I’ve worked for 40 years trying to get governments to end poverty and homelessness. I’ve had many frustrating interactions […]

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Vancouver – Jean Swanson for “The City We Need”

Vancouver’s political revolution is rolling forward. Jean Swanson is running again for City Council! This follows from the political earthquake she caused in last November’s city by-election. On June 9, at a rally at The Crescent in Shaughnessy, a Vancouver neighbourhood so tony it should be called Anthony, Jean Swanson announced she is a candidate […]

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Majority of Canadians Heading to $15 Minimum Wage

Socialist Alternative Canada reviews the winning of $15, and its role in this victory On June 1, workers in British Columbia got the first increase on the way to a $15.20 an hour minimum wage. BC is following Alberta and Ontario in moving to a minimum wage of $15 or more. Alberta will reach $15 […]

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Trudeau Gives in to Kinder Morgan’s Blackmail

Trudeau has capitulated to Kinder Morgan’s blackmail. Canada’s Liberal government will buy the existing pipeline that runs from Alberta’s tar sands to the port of Vancouver for $4.5 billion. It is now Trudeau’s pipeline. It will be up to his government to try to force through the pipeline expansion against mass resistance. Trudeau’s decision will […]

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Stopping Kinder Morgan

The resistance to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline to Vancouver is building. At the end of January British Columbia’s NDP government announced restrictions on any increase in diluted bitumen (dilbit) allowed to pass through BC’s coastal waters. In early March, in the biggest gathering so far against the pipeline, 10,000 people joined as First Nations stepped up […]

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BC Wins a $15 Minimum Wage: In 40 Months

British Columbia’s NDP government delivered some good news and some bad news on the minimum wage. The good news: not only are we getting a $15 minimum wage, but they’re throwing two extra dimes into the deal. The bad news: the low paid workers of Canada’s most expensive province will have to wait 40 long […]

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