Two Million on Hong Kong Demonstration

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to Incredible movement in Hong Kong. Sunday, June 16’s demo was two million, outnumbering last Sunday’s one  million, which opened the floodgates. This means more than 1 in 4 of Hong Kong’s population (7.5m) joined the march. A statement on behalf of the Chief Executive Carrie Lam, who may […]

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China: 30 years since Tiananmen massacre

Dikang is a contributor to Anniversary of June 4 Beijing massacre draws record numbers at Hong Kong vigil By Dikang, Today marks the 30th anniversary of the gruesome massacre in Beijing by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on the orders of China’s top leaders. China was in the throes of a revolutionary mass […]

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China – US: Can the trade war be halted?

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to In July 2018, tariffs were imposed on Chinese imports by President Trump’s government and there was immediate tit-for-tat retaliation by China. This has amounted to the biggest trade war since the 1930s and is increasingly taking its toll on the global economy.  IMF chief Christine Lagarde, reflecting the […]

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70 years since the Chinese revolution

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to Capitalism and imperialism were driven out, but political power rested in the hands of a Stalinist communist party It is an especially nervous Communist Party (CCP) regime that presides over the 60th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the People’s Republic of China on 1 October. The regime […]

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US-China trade war: A long conflict?

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to Trump’s tariffs raise international tensions and could derail global economic growth The trade war between Washington and Beijing looks set to escalate. The Trump administration is poised to impose tariffs – a punitive tax on imported goods – on a further US$200 billion of Chinese goods. This would […]

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