Socialist Alternative Youth Fighting for a Future

With passion and anger young people denounced the failures of capitalism and politicians to deal with growing climate disaster. Socialist Alternative Youth (SAY) in Metro Vancouver organized a meeting on Saturday, November 6 in solidarity with the protests at COP26 in Glasgow. To build for the rally, held at Douglas College in New Westminster, over […]

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Massive Global Climate Demonstrations

This year, around the world, there is a rising tide of mass demos, strikes and walkouts against climate change. Over 70,000 people braced a cold wet Sunday, on January 27, for the largest climate march in Belgian history. There have been mounting demonstrations throughout Europe. In Germany, Switzerland, and France, working people and students are […]

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Environment: Climate Train to Warsaw

Nicolas Croes is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). “It is already 10 past midnight” On Friday the 15th of November, 700 Belgian activists boarded a train to Warsaw specially chartered by “Climat et Justice Sociale” (Climate and Social Justice) to join a demonstration on the margins […]

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