Solidarity with the Cuban People Against Imperialism and Capitalist Restoration

Defend the Gains of the Cuban Revolution! The shortage of medicines, as well as the growing economic crisis which has been aggravated by the pandemic, has generated a growing discontent among Cuban working people, who took to the streets on July 11. The ruling Communist Party (CP) bureaucracy described the demonstrations as counter-revolutionary and pro-imperialist. […]

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Cuba: At a crossroads

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Gains of the revolution of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro under threat The Financial Times boasted: “There is a new entry among Cuba’s roll of important dates. Alongside Fidel Castro’s 26th July movement and the January 1st 1959 ’triumph of the revolution’, there […]

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Latin America: A new turn?

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Historic handshake between Barack Obama and Raúl Castro, turmoil in Venezuela, and stalled reforms in Bolivia – as well as crises in Brazil – symbolize a new turn in Latin America and the Caribbean The historic handshake between Barack Obama and Raúl Castro, […]

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