Ontario: Kick Ford Out

Ontario goes to the polls on June 2. Doug Ford must go. Yet, this seems unlikely with the polls giving him a clear lead. How, after four years of U-turns, cutting services, gaffes and COVID shambles, is this possible? Somehow, Ford has led a charmed life over these years. He started off with policies to […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #20

Socialist Answer to Climate Chaos Youth: Fighting for Our Future Doug Ford Hypocrisy Alberta’s Woes Continue Indigenous Struggles Against Environmental Racism Precarious Renters: Berlin Victory Life of a Precarious University Teacher Socialist Sawant Defeats Right Wing Page from History: Japanese Internment Book review: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good Workers Fight Back … and more […]

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Image of Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux, socialist candidate in Montreal municipal election

Quebec: More Than 1,000 Votes for a Socialist Candidate in Verdun!

Militant electioneering and a socialist policy meet with significant support in Quebec. Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux’s team garnered 1,050 votes in the municipal elections on November 7, 2021 in Montreal. Her militant grassroots campaign has shown how elections can be used to broaden the tenants’ struggle movement in Verdun, a borough in the southern part of Montreal. […]

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Canada’s COVID Election

After months, the worst-kept secret in Canadian politics can at last officially reveal itself: it’s federal election time. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have determined that their best shot at regaining a majority government is right now, with a five-week campaign leading to election day on September 20. The Liberals only have to net 15 […]

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Canada: Instability Ahead

Canadians woke up on Tuesday to a parliament vastly different than what we’ve had for the past four years. The new parliament reflects the profound regional differences, an urban/rural divide and diverging visions of Canada’s economy as either primarily resource-based or diversified and “green.” However, the results did not reveal a sharp class divide, although […]

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Understanding Britain’s Brexit crisis

Claire Laker-Mansfield is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Britain’s ongoing Brexit crisis has entered a new and spectacularly explosive phase. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government is in a state of chaos. His attempts to regain control, including via the dissolution of parliament, have so-far failed. Johnson’s first week in parliament as […]

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Amazon vs. the Socialists in Seattle

Originally published CounterPunch.org on 9/23/2019. In what may turn out to be a preview of the U.S. presidential election, with the ruling class hell-bent on stopping Bernie Sanders at all costs, big business in Seattle is carrying out an unprecedented assault of corporate PAC money against socialist and progressive candidates in this year’s elections. The […]

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