India: General election shows crying need for independent socialist alternative

Jagadish G. Chandra is a member of New Socialist Alternative (CWI in India). The huge exercise of India’s 2019 General Election is under way across the country’s 29 states and seven Union territories. The last five years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s abhorrently casteist, brutally capitalist and cut-throat communal regime have rammed home clearly how […]

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Environmental devastation at Alberta oil sands mine

Alberta’s Election: A Tale of Two Provinces

When the NDP swept to power in Alberta in 2015, many people were in shock. For 44 years, the Progressive Conservatives ruled the province, the longest unbroken run in government at the provincial or federal level in Canadian history. But the NDP’s rule has proved to be a temporary interruption in a long line of […]

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NDP leader Jagmeet Singh celebrates getting elected

NDP Celebrates a Setback

Before the by-elections on February 26, the NDP had held two of the three seats being contested. By the end of the night they only had one seat — yet they were celebrating. This is a worrying sign of how low the party’s sights are set. The NDP are celebrating that their leader, Jagmeet Singh, […]

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Spanish State: Early election announced

“Defeat the right in the ballot boxes and in the streets!” Pedro Sanchez’s term is over. A government formed eight months ago after the vote of no confidence against Rajoy (Leader of People’s Party, conservative party), has been brought down by the negative vote in Parliament to the budget proposals. But beyond parliamentary arithmetic, what […]

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Election Victory in Vancouver

Vancouver voters made history on Saturday, October 20, 2018 by electing veteran organizer and community campaigner Jean Swanson to city council in the city’s most important electoral victory in decades. She with one school board and two parks board candidates were all elected under the rejuvenated Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) banner. The campaign’s centrepiece […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #11

Housing Emergency! Resist Ford! Jean Swanson’s Victory in Vancouver World Economy Climate Disaster … more news from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Nigeria elections – Main parties offer no alternative

Ibukun Omole is a member of Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in Nigeria). General elections are scheduled for Nigeria in February and March. February 16 is due to see the election of the president and National Assembly, while on March 2 governors and state assemblies in most of Nigeria’s 36 states, alongside local elections in the […]

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US: Democratic Socialists Elected

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Letter from Kshama Sawant to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Julian Salazar   Dear Sisters, I am writing to congratulate you, and other newly elected socialists, on your elections and to outline the lessons of our experience in Seattle since my first election to […]

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US: Midterm elections weaken Republicans

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. How can we really defeat the right? The midterm elections in the U.S. represented a limited “blue wave” and an overall rejection of Trump by the electorate. Republicans were relieved their losses weren’t worse while many progressive workers and youth were disappointed the outcome […]

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Jean Swanson Elected in Vancouver: A Victory for the City We Need

Jean Swanson’s election to Vancouver City Council is a step toward a political revolution in this city. News of this historic victory is already rippling around the world. Swanson came fourth highest in the ballot. But it is not just one of 10 seats on Council. Jean’s seat is the movement’s seat on City Council. […]

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