British Election Corbyn’s Manifesto: An important step in the right direction – Mobilise to fight for socialist change

Jeremy Corbyn has launched his manifesto by declaring Labour is the “party for the many” while the Tories are the “party of the rich”. The leaking of Labour’s draft manifesto broke through the right-wing media’s relentless assaults on Corbyn, and brought the policies into the light. Social media was alive with enthusiastic discussion. Labour went […]

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BC’s Cliff-hanger Election

Written by Socialist Alternative members in Vancouver. After the British Columbia (BC) provincial election, no one yet knows who won or who will form the next government. At present, the out-going Liberals have 43 seats, one short of a majority, while the opposition New Democrats (NDP) have 41 and the Greens have three seats. In […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #6

150 Years Capitalism, Colonialism, Corruption, and Resistance BC Liberals rule for the Rich Food Workers Win in Toronto Trudeau Shows Real Colours Over 150 Years of Indigenous Colonization Immigration: Exploitation and Exclusion Workers Built Canada Nova Scotia Teachers’ Strike NAFTA: “Free Trade” Without Freedom … and more from Canada and the World   If you […]

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US Elections: Trump in trouble

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Political polarization deepens The presidential election campaign is heading into its final phase now that the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. The result was the anointing of the two most unpopular major party nominees in living memory although Trump is right now definitely […]

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US election turmoil

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Bernie Sanders campaign – an opportunity to build a new party of the 99% The US Presidential election campaign represents a turning point in US society and the struggles of the working class, the middle class, young people and all those exploited by […]

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Kshama Sawant Re-elected

Patrick Ayers is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Not only can socialists get elected, we can get re-elected. Watch Kshama Sawant’s video inviting people to join Socialist Alternative In Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood on the first night of the results, hundreds of campaign supporters are celebrating at our election night party. People […]

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