Greece showdown

Nicos Anastasiades is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Q: What was the initial effect of Syriza’s election victory? Syriza’s victory was an historic event for Greece and the whole of Europe. After four years of harsh austerity and big workers’ struggle that failed to stop huge cuts, largely due to the role of […]

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Sri Lanka: President Rajapaksa defeated

Tu Senan is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Period of uncertainty opens In the presidential election held yesterday in Sri Lanka the incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa has suffered a fatal blow. The opposition candidate, Maithripala Sirisena, won with 6,217,162 votes (51.3%) against Rajapaksa’s 5,768,090 votes(47.6%). Mahinda has become one of the most […]

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Ukraine: Competing ’elections’ deepen divisions

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). Working people need socialist alternative to warring oligarchs and outside powers It is just over one year since protestors gathered in Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti in protest at the Mykola Azarov government’s decision not to sign an ‘Association agreement’ between Ukraine and the EU. Since […]

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