US: Mid-Terms Do Not Mean a Turn to the Right in Society

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Big Gains for Republicans while Voters Support Progressive Ballot Measures The significant gains made by Republicans in the mid-term elections, in particular taking control of the U.S. Senate, have caused alarm for working-class and progressive people across the country. The Republicans also solidified their […]

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Euro polls warning

Robert Bechert is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. In country after country, May’s elections to the European parliament saw governments and traditional parties defeated Elections to the European parliament saw voters revolt against government and traditional parties. While there were some gains for the left, media headlines were dominated by victories […]

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Ontario Election 2014: All three parties failing workers: Unions need to prepare to fight Austerity

Written by Socialist Alternative members in Ontario. For the last 11 years, Liberal governments have ruled Ontario. While Ontario has not been hit as hard as Europe and the US by the recession of 2008, it has had a major impact on jobs and living standards. Even prior to the recession, Ontario’s private manufacturing sector […]

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South Africa: Elections 2014

Weizmann Hamilton is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). The African National Congress has been re-elected with 62% of the vote. This represents a marginal decline with the shedding of a few hundred thousand votes in absolute terms and the loss of 3.5%. Given the scandal filled five-year term […]

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Québec elections: victory for the Liberal Party : A wind of reaction ?

Bruno-Pierre Guillette and Deirdre Grégoire are members of Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec). On April 7th 2014, the Québec Liberal Party (PLQ) won a majority government with 70 MPs elected (41.2 % of votes), despite widespread allegations corruption. The PLQ campaigned mainly on the claim of providing jobs and opposition to the PQ’s Charter. The Parti […]

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US: Victory for socialist in Seattle!

An interview with Kshama Sawant from The Socialist (weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party, England & Wales). The evening of 15 November will go down as marking an historic step in re-building a socialist movement in the US, the world’s leading capitalist nation. Kshama Sawant, candidate of Socialist Alternative (co-thinkers of the CWI in the […]

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BC Premier Christy Clark and the opposition leader Adrian Dix of the BC NDP

BC Election 2013

Written by Socialist Alternative members in BC. On May 14 the New Democratic Party (NDP) achieved a stunning defeat in British Columbia’s provincial election, losing to the BC Liberals for the fourth time. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Just over a year ago the Liberals were in free fall after choosing a new […]

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Socialist wins 28% of the vote in Seattle

Philip Locker is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. “This is just the beginning!” Kshama Sawant promised supporters and voters on behalf of Socialist Alternative at an excited election night party on November 6 in Seattle, WA. While the presidential race was mainly about what to vote against (see article Right Wing Rejected […]

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Quebec: General Election Kicks Liberals out

Joshua Kortiz is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Bruno-Pierre Guillette is a member of Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec). On 4 September, Quebec voters elected the Parti Québecois (PQ) to lead a minority government, with Pauline Marois as the first female prime minister in Quebec history. On the heels of the mass […]

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