Greece: Tsipras crosses the Rubicon

Time for a new, mass revolutionary Left to oppose all austerity! July 9th was a black day for the Greek left. SYRIZA’s leading team, around Prime Minister A. Tsipras, subordinated itself completely and absolutely to the demands of the Troika lenders. The Greek working class finds itself in a tragic position. They voted for SYRIZA […]

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Greece: Mighty class-based ‘NO’ shakes bosses’ EU

Referendum earthquake sees working class boldly defy Troika and Greece’s servile ruling class! Yesterday’s Greek referendum saw the working class give a powerful reply to the attempts of the Troika/Institutions to blackmail them into accepting more austerity in order to stay within the Eurozone. The referendum on Sunday 5 July produced a tremendous 61.5% in […]

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Greece: Prospect of Syriza victory raises workers’ hopes

Andros Payiatsos is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Mass intervention of working class to struggle for socialist policies is vital Last time we spoke you told us of the campaign of fear by the establishment to try and prevent people voting for Syriza. How has this developed? The circus of the ruling class […]

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Euro polls warning

Robert Bechert is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. In country after country, May’s elections to the European parliament saw governments and traditional parties defeated Elections to the European parliament saw voters revolt against government and traditional parties. While there were some gains for the left, media headlines were dominated by victories […]

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Greece: Still in the eye of the storm

Committee for a Workers’ International is a member of Interview with Andros Payiatsos, Xekinima (CWI in Greece). From the outside, it can appear there’s a certain pause in the struggle in Greece. Is this true? There is a certain lull in the movement, compared to the titanic battles particularly of 2011, but there is no […]

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Another 48 hour general strike paralyses Greek society

Paris Makrides is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Yesterday was the first day of another 48 hours general strike. How big was the strike and protests of the Greek workers and youth? The strike paralysed Greece completely. Athens was like a deserted city as nothing moved except the demonstration of the striking workers. […]

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