Germany: Historic Mass Movement Against Right-Wing

1.5 million on the streets! On the weekend of 19–21 January, 1.5 million people protested against the far right in the largest wave of demonstrations in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. 350,000 in Berlin, 130,000 in Hamburg, 200,000 in Munich, plus well over 100 demonstrations in smaller towns such as Eitorf, Buxtehude […]

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Convoy: Union Leaders Wake Up!

For over ten days central Ottawa has been blocked by the so-called “Freedom Convoy,” a nationwide protest calling for an end to all federal and provincial COVID measures. Some have gone further and called for the removal of the elected government. It has totally dominated Canadian news all this time. Contrast this to the lack […]

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Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted: A Travesty of Justice

This verdict should put the final nail in the coffin that the courts can save us from the far right. THE SYSTEM IS GUILTY. The far-right, the police that shot Jacob Blake and celebrated Rittenhouse, and the courts that protect them both all represent the same racist system: capitalism. If we’re going to defeat the […]

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Greece: Golden Dawn “Guilty”

Andros Payiatsos is a member of Xekinima (ISA in Greece). Verdict a Victory for the Anti-Fascist Movement and Working Class October 7 is a day of historical importance for the working class, the anti-fascist movement and the social movements in Greece. The trial of Golden Dawn (GD) came to its conclusion and the neo-Nazi organization […]

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Brazil: Perspective for the resistance to Bolsonaro

André Ferrari is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (CWI in Brazil). Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil is a country that is going backwards in all respects. Seven months after his inauguration, what we see is poverty, unemployment, the withdrawal of social rights, attacks on democratic freedoms, authoritarianism, submission to imperialism and a permanent offensive against […]

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New Zealand mosque terror atrocity: Workers’ struggle can cut off far right 

On March 15 a brutal racist terror attack was carried out on two mosques in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. 50 people were killed with dozens more wounded. Many of those affected were refugees from warzones, such as Syria, who saw New Zealand as a safe haven.  Already thousands of people have attended solidarity […]

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Brazil: a new era of polarisation and struggle

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Brazil has entered a time of political, social and economic convulsions. The brutal assassination of Marielle Franco, a PSOL (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade) councillor in Rio de Janeiro, reflected this convulsive era and the extreme polarisation which has opened up in Brazilian society. […]

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Brazil: PSOL councillor Marielle Franco murdered in Rio de Janeiro

From mourning to struggle On 14 March, Marielle Franco, a veteran member of PSOL in Rio de Janeiro, was barbarically executed in the city centre. Anderson Pedro Gomes, the driver of her car, was also killed in the attack. Police investigation identified 9 gun shots in the back window of the car, showing that the […]

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Neo-Nazi Violence in Charlottesville Reawakens the Resistance

Ty Moore is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Mass Demonstrations and a Left Alternative Needed to Fight the Right The vicious white nationalist violence in Charlottesville and across the country this weekend has acted as a collective wake up call. A powerful left challenge must be built against racist violence, vigilante intimidation, […]

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Austria – Only 31,026 votes prevent far right’s Hofer becoming president

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (CWI in Austria). ‘Breathing space’ offers chance to build a fighting, democratic left alternative Sonja Grusch, SLP (the Austrian section of the CWI) Since Saturday 23 April, a series of physical earthquakes have shaken Austria. But the most significant was the political earthquake resulting from the 24 […]

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