France: Gilets Jaunes and striking workers confront Macron

Clare Doyle is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The gilets jaunes revolt in France, now in its fourth month, not only threatens the survival of Emmanuel Macron, his government and his party. It has inspired movements of discontented workers and young people far beyond its borders. It has also helped widen […]

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France: “Yellow vest” revolt changes everything

Leïla Messaoudi is a member of Gauche Révolutionnaire (CWI in France). The “yellow vest” movement in France has involved hundreds of thousands of people in demonstrations, blockades of roundabouts, main roads and toll booths all around the country, in big cities and in the countryside. Begun in mid-November, it has not even stopped during the […]

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France’s president backs down in face of mass demonstrations

Clare Doyle is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. After three weeks of increasingly angry mass protests, French President Emmanuel Macron suspended the massively contested tax on diesel. Yet, so far this concession has not defused the mass movement calling for his government to resign. On Monday, 3 December, when the French […]

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