Greece: The Fire in Moria and the Hellish Refugee Camps

Giorgos Ligouriotis is a member of Xekinima (ISA in Greece). Over 40,000 refugees are trapped on the Greek islands near the Turkish coastline, living under horrific conditions at Refugee Camps which were designed to host one fifth of their current inhabitants. During the winter, tens of thousands of refugees had to deal with the bitter […]

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Eastern Mediterranean: Peace Torpedoed over Hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean

No to nationalism, no to war, no to Natural Gas drillings! The discovery of hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean seabed adds another factor to the competition between the ruling classes of Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Today’s crisis, which has been going on for months, is the worst since the 1974 war, both in terms […]

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War Waged Against Refugees, Greek and Turkish Workers

Turkish President Erdogan’s decision to push thousands of refugees and migrants to the country’s mainland border with Greece on the Evros river and the islands has led to the greatest crisis over refugee flows since 2015 and to the worst crisis, in the recent period, between Greece and Turkey. Starting on 27th February, the Turkish […]

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Greece: Wave of repression and attacks on workers’ and democratic rights.

Eleni Mitsou is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Soon after coming to power in July 2019, the new right-wing “New Democracy” government unleashed a wave of repression and intimidation, especially against the youth in Greece. Since October, the police have been randomly attacking youth not just after protests and demonstrations, but also on […]

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No Surprises in Greek General Election

SYRIZA responsible for ND’s return There were no surprises in the results of the July 7 elections in Greece, they confirmed the trends that were already evident in May’s Euroelections: Greece’s traditional right-wing party New Democracy (ND) was the victor, SYRIZA’s support fell as voters punished it for its austerity policies, the Left remained weak […]

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Review of “Adults In The Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment”

Paul Murphy is a member of Irish Parliament and the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland). Adults In The Room, by Yanis Varoufakis, is a must-read for those who aspire to building a left that can achieve governmental power and transform society. That is not because Yanis Varoufakis has the answers about how to achieve that, but […]

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Greece: The rise and fall of Syriza

Andros Payiatsos is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). On 5 July 2015 a historic referendum took place in Greece against the European troika’s austerity memorandum, with a tremendous 61.5% majority vote for No. But two years later, Greek society under a Syriza-led government is faced with the continuation of the same policies that […]

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Greece: New austerity measures imposed on working class

Editorial comment from the current edition ‘Xekinima’ (fortnightly journal of the Greek section of the CWI, ‘Xekinima – Internationalist Socialist Organisation) When New Democracy (Greece’s traditional right-wing party) and PASOK (the so-called “socialists”) were applying austerity policies, arguing that these were the way to a new period of prosperity, the mass of working class people […]

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Greece:Victory for Athens bus cleaners

Eleni Mitsou is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Strike action wins major concessions from contractors and bus administration After two rounds of strikes by Athens bus cleaners, a 15-day and an 8 day-strike, and a series of protests (outside the offices of their boss, the contractor Link Ap, the bus company administration, OSY, […]

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Greece: Mass abstention dominates general election

Niall Mulholland (CWI) spoke to Andreas Payiatsos, Xekinima (CWI Greece). Mass socialist alternative needs to be built On 20 September, Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left) was returned to power in a snap general election and is set to share power again with the right-wing Independent Greeks. Syriza’s leader, Alexis Tsipras, claims he has a […]

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