Iran: A new period opening up

Nina Mo is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). 2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. Despite the brutal suppression of the latest wave of protests, the dictatorial regime that came to power 40 years ago is now much weaker, facing a severe crisis. The crucial question is what should be […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #14

Climate Justice and Jobs Instability Rising Ontario Struggle Needed Where is Canada’s Women’s Movement? Hypocrisy to Indigenous Peoples No War on Iran 2019: A Year of Struggles Housing Victory … more from Canada and the World If you would like to order copy(ies) contact us at [email protected]

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Iran: Trump brings region closer to war

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). The headline and editorial in the Lebanese pro-Hezbollah newspaper “Al-Akhbar” on Friday read: “The martyrdom of Soleimani: It is war!” This is just one of the first angry reactions to the overnight US drone attack on the convoy leaving Baghdad International airport that killed […]

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Iran: New mass uprising against the regime

Sarah Mo is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (CWI in Austria). After the Iranian regime announced an increase in petrol prices of between 50 and 300% and the simultaneous rationing of fuel at midnight on 15 November, masses of people came out onto the streets spontaneously in several cities. Since then, the protests have escalated […]

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Iran: When the masses deposed a dictator

Seamus Whelan is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The 1979 revolution didn’t have to end in a religious state Forty years ago, in January 1979 the hated Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, fled the country to the U.S. The Shah was driven out by a mass movement led by workers and […]

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No to War in the Middle East – U.S. and Iran Plunge into Conflict

George Martin Fell Brown is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The United States is dangerously close to a military conflict with Iran. The catalyst was the shooting down by Iran of a U.S. military drone on June 20. In response Donald Trump authorized airstrikes against Iran only to halt them ten minutes […]

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40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution

Written by an Iranian Marxist. Forty years ago, a great revolution against a dictatorial monarchy was in progress in Iran. Recalling the heroic scenes of those days still inspires us; scenes of comradeship despite the shortage of goods and fuel due to long days of nationwide strike, initiatives by working people to manage their communities […]

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Iran: Working class at forefront of wave of protests

Daryaban is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The Iranian economy is in downfall, and Iranian working class is the main target of this slump. Prices of staples are increasing day by day. The regime has only delivered empty words, and its explanation of the situation is contradictory and deceiving. In the […]

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Iran: a revolutionary opening

Robert Bechert is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The sudden, spontaneous and rapid eruption of protests across Iran at the end of 2017 transformed the country, putting the possibility of the end of the dictatorial Islamic Republic in sight. Clearly, these events are immensely significant for Iran and the entire region. […]

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Iran: 1979 Revolution

How can the workers achieve power? Following the overthrow of the Shah in February 1979, a supporter of Militant, the forerunner of the Socialist Party, travelled to Iran. In a number of subsequent articles the revolution’s development and the issues facing the workers’ movement then – and still relevant today – were addressed. We reprint […]

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