Israel-Palestine: Amid Normalization of Occupation and Siege, New War Erupts

The dramatic actions of warfare this weekend — with over one thousand dead so far — in Israel and the Gaza Strip has shaken the world. This could be the beginning of further instability and expanded war. Here is a first translated statement from the Secretariat of Socialist Struggle (ISA in Israel-Palestine) published originally in […]

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Killing of Journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh

Ariel Gottlieb is a member of Socialist Struggle Movement (ISA in Israel-Palestine). Fell in the Struggle to Expose the Reality of the Occupation Al Jazeera journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh was shot to death during a military raidat the Jenin refugee camp on May 11, and during her funeral march in EastJerusalem her casket was almost […]

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Israeli state massacres Palestinians as Trump dangerously raises tensions in region

Around the world people have watched in horror at the unfolding violence perpetrated by the Israeli state against Palestinian protesters in Gaza. Sixty were killed on 14 May alone, during protests against the moving of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The following day, 15 May, marked the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) – the forcing […]

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Iraqi women refugees

Iraq: Only united action can stop sectarian war

Robert Bechert is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Iraqis and Kurds must not trust imperialist ‘helpers’ Millions of working people around the world have been shocked at the rapid advance of the extreme religious fundamentalists of ‘Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIS) who have now proclaimed the foundation of […]

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Socialism and national rights

Peter Taaffe is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Ukraine, Israel/Palestine and other countries  The bloody conflict in Ukraine, alongside the slaughter of the Palestinian people in Gaza, has brought the issue of the ‘national question’ once more forcefully onto the political agenda. How can we open a road to […]

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Iraq: Oil war’s bloody legacy

Judy Beishon is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Escalating sectarian conflict threatens to draw in surrounding countries At the time of Bush and Blair’s catastrophic and criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Socialist Party and Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) warned it could lead to the break-up […]

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