Ford’s Tunnel Vision

Last April 1st, the Alberta-based Western Standard ran a story with the headline: “Federal budget commits funding to convert one lane of Trans-Canada Highway for bicycles.” The story continued to relate how the Liberal budget had set aside $100 billion to build bike lanes along the entire length of the Trans-Canada. Hard to believe, eh? […]

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The Arts Matter. So Do We!

Ontario Art Gallery workers on strike “Show me the Monet,” was one of the many witty slogans of the striking workers of the Art Gallery of Ontario. The gallery in Toronto, is one of the largest art museums in North America, attracting approximately one million visitors annually. It boasts a collection of more than 120,000 […]

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Metro Strike: In the Words of Workers

Metro grocery workers in Greater Toronto, members of Unifor, voted overwhelmingly to strike in 27 stores, effective July 29, after rejecting a tentative deal reached by the union bargaining committee and the company. Since then, some 3,700 workers have withheld their labour and have been on the picket lines to force the company and their […]

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