Toronto Metro Store Strike

“We can’t even shop at our own grocery store. We can’t afford to.” The above comment in a news article came from Eman Chaudhry, a part-time cashier at a Toronto Metro store, explaining why they are striking. The article that included her quote stated that “she and her family struggle to make ends meet to […]

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VW: Beyond Corporate Giveaways

The Canadian government is giving Volkswagen Canada (VW) $13 billion to build a massive new electric vehicle (EV) battery plant in St. Thomas, Ontario. This is being hailed as a “game changer” for Canada’s auto sector as the ruling classes of various countries fight to secure investment in a broader and greener economy. Canada’s traditional […]

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Ford’s Second Black Eye

Court Rules Wage Cap Law Illegal Two weeks ago Doug Ford suffered the first major defeat of his time in office when the strike movement of 55,000 CUPE education workers and the threat of an Ontario-wide general strike forced him to withdraw pre-emptive back-to-work legislation. That was the first black eye. The second one came […]

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Solidarity with CUPE Workers

Written by Socialist Alternative members in Ontario. On October 30, the Ford government announced legislation that would make it illegal for 55,000 education workers in the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) to go on strike on Friday, November 4. Stephen Lecce, Ontario’s Minister of Education, announced the emergency legislation on Halloween but he certainly […]

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Ontario Health System Privatization

“‘It’s going to bankrupt health care’: Spending on temp agency nurses up more than 550% since pre-pandemic at one Toronto hospital network,” ran the headline in the Toronto Star. “Ontario isn’t ruling out privatization in health care,” was a headline on CBC News. Temp Agency Nursing is Privatization Given the shortage of 15,000 nurses since […]

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