Latin America: Second “Pink Tide”: What Way Forward?

Elan Axelbank is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). This second wave of reformism in power is already proving to be anything but a repetition of the first. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, propelled by mass movements of the working class and rural poor, a wave of left-wing electoral victories […]

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Peru: Mass Revolt Against Coup Continues

Darragh O’Dwyer is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). The Peruvian masses must rely on their own strength and continue to build local committees of struggle to unite workers, campesinos and Indigenous people and allow them to democratically discuss and coordinate the next steps of the movement. 2022 came to a chaotic […]

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Defeat the Coup of the Peruvian Oligarchy Against Pedro Castillo!

Mauro Espinola is a member of Alternativa Socialista (ISA in Mexico). Yesterday, after attempting to dissolve Congress and decreeing a government of exception, the president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, was removed from office. In this way, the Peruvian oligarchy, using Castillo’s parliamentary maneuvers as an excuse, is once again trying to derail the government elected […]

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Explosive Protests Rock Peru

Darragh O’Dwyer is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). The impacts of the war in Ukraine are reverberating throughout the world, heaping more turmoil onto the global economy and spurring social and political crises. Ongoing protests and riots in Peru triggered by spiraling inflation have already left seven people dead and are […]

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Peru: Mass Protests Bring Down Illegitimate Coup President

Emily Culver is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Tens of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets across Peru to protest the illegitimate impeachment of Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra. The coup comes after years of political turmoil. In the most recent presidential election in 2016, centrist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) narrowly […]

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