Polarization Comes to Canada

The “freedom” convoy has faded into the background. The war in Ukraine, inflation, and warmer weather are top of mind. But the convoy provoked a decisive change in Canadian society and politics that will not go away. The right wing is pumped as they successfully spurred a section of society to the right. Tory MPs […]

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Evaluating the Convoy — Was It Fascism?

The “freedom” convoy has come and gone. It has had a major politicizing impact on Canadian society as well as having repercussions internationally. Unfortunately, it has disoriented some on the left — some have claimed it to be a working-class uprising aimed at the ruling-class elites while others have denounced it as a manifestation of […]

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Convoy: Union Leaders Wake Up!

For over ten days central Ottawa has been blocked by the so-called “Freedom Convoy,” a nationwide protest calling for an end to all federal and provincial COVID measures. Some have gone further and called for the removal of the elected government. It has totally dominated Canadian news all this time. Contrast this to the lack […]

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2021: Age of Disorder, Year 2

Danny Byrne is a member of ISA’s International Executive. From beginning to end, 2021 was a year of perfect storm for world capitalism. This rotten and decadent system has rarely, if ever before, faced such deep simultaneous crises on so many fronts. It has never been more over-ripe for replacement, and the 2020s are only […]

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