Portugal’s School Workers Rise Up Against Precarity

Cristina is a member of ISA in Portugal. Education workers rise up against their precarity, bringing 150,000 onto the streets of Lisbon. New unions and methods of struggle appear and stir up the still waters of the established unions. The Decline of Public Education and the Challenges Workers Face Every Day Over the last five […]

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Portugal: Fear of Rightwing Government Propels “Socialist” Party to a Majority

Pedro Meade is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (ISA in Brazil). As the 6-year alliance between left reformist parties Bloco de Esquerda (Left Bloc) BE and Partido Comunista Português (Portuguese Communist Party) PCP and the pro-capitalist PS was brought to an end, the snap general elections in Portugal of January 30 produced a […]

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Portugal:Lisbon dockers victory against precarious work

João Félix is a member of Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI in Portugal). Militant strike action blocks bosses attempts to undermine collective bargaining The Lisbon Dockers strike, which started in 20th of April, ended up with a significant victory to the Dockers! The agreement reached included 23 casualised workers in the collective contract, negotiate a new pay […]

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40 years since the Portuguese revolution

Manny Thain is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). A half-century of fascist rule was swept aside in a day This year marks the 40th anniversary of the military coup of April 25, 1974, which opened the doors to the Portuguese revolution of 1974-75. This anniversary is taking place at […]

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Portugal: Government in disintegration

Danny Byrne is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. No to a government of “national unity”! For mass action to deal final blow to rotten coalition and impose a workers’ alternative! In the last two weeks, Portugal has been plunged into possibly the deepest and most desperate episode of political crisis since […]

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