Sudan: long-simmering rage of the masses explodes on the streets

Serge Jordan is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Sudan has been rocked by extensive anti-government protests since December 19, unprecedented in their geographic scope and duration. People in the diaspora have come out in large numbers worldwide in front of Sudanese embassies to showcase their solidarity with the heroic struggle of […]

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France’s president backs down in face of mass demonstrations

Clare Doyle is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. After three weeks of increasingly angry mass protests, French President Emmanuel Macron suspended the massively contested tax on diesel. Yet, so far this concession has not defused the mass movement calling for his government to resign. On Monday, 3 December, when the French […]

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Iran: Working class at forefront of wave of protests

Daryaban is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The Iranian economy is in downfall, and Iranian working class is the main target of this slump. Prices of staples are increasing day by day. The regime has only delivered empty words, and its explanation of the situation is contradictory and deceiving. In the […]

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Vancouver Tenants Rally to Ban Renovictions

“This is not a property management company, these are thugs!” exclaimed Carol Anne, a tenant living on Yew Street.  Carol Anne was one of several tenants speaking at a rally on November 9 in downtown Vancouver. The Vancouver Tenants Union (VTU) called the rally, drawing over 150 people to protest the renovictions that have contributed […]

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Brazil: The resistance begins now!

Against Bolsonaro, defend democratic rights and smash the pension reform! The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in the second round of the Brazilian elections represents a huge political step backwards for the country and the Brazilian people. We do not share the cynicism of bourgeois analysts who speak about the legitimacy of the system and “consolidation” […]

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Israel: Tens of thousands protest and strike for LGBT rights

Shahar Ben Horin is a member of Socialist Struggle Movement (ISA in Israel-Palestine). This was one of the most important demonstrations organized in Israel in recent years. The fact that all six parties in the Netanyahu coalition government all oppose full equality to LGBT people has not prevented the right-wing regime from making cynical propaganda […]

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Brazil: a new era of polarisation and struggle

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Brazil has entered a time of political, social and economic convulsions. The brutal assassination of Marielle Franco, a PSOL (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade) councillor in Rio de Janeiro, reflected this convulsive era and the extreme polarisation which has opened up in Brazilian society. […]

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Students protesting in Paris 1968

1968: year of revolution

Peter Taaffe is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Factory and university occupations in France. US civil rights and rage at the Vietnam war. Upheavals in Italy, Pakistan and Northern Ireland. Revolt in Stalinist Czechoslovakia. Repression in Mexico. Events in 1968 sent shockwaves around the world. Some years stand out […]

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Stopping Kinder Morgan

The resistance to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline to Vancouver is building. At the end of January British Columbia’s NDP government announced restrictions on any increase in diluted bitumen (dilbit) allowed to pass through BC’s coastal waters. In early March, in the biggest gathering so far against the pipeline, 10,000 people joined as First Nations stepped up […]

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Spain: Millions on the streets against sexism and capitalist oppression

Historic feminist strike, now continue the struggle! The feminist strike on 8 March was unprecedented. Never in the history of the class struggle in the Spanish state have such a deep and massive mobilisation against the oppression of working class women, against inequality and violence against women. Hundreds of marches took place from morning to […]

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