Sweden: 20,000 on anti-fascist demonstration

This Sunday’s demonstration in Kärrtorp, south Stockholm, was the largest anti-racist demonstration ever in Sweden. 20,000 gathered at the sports ground in response to a recent attack from armed Nazis. During November, a violent Nazi organization (Swedish Resistance Movement, SMR) increased their activity in the area. Swastikas were painted everywhere, several immigrants were assaulted and […]

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Turkey: “Warlike violence” to crush the movement

Kai Stein is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International.  New layer of workers, youth and poor has entered the scene with the promise: “This is just the beginning – the struggle continues”  “Warlike violence” – that’s how ‘Taksim Solidarity’ the committee coordinating 127 groups in protest against Turkey’s prime minister Erdogan described […]

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