France: Justice Pour Nahel — It Was Murder, Yet Again!

Let’s turn our anger into a mass movement in our neighbourhoods and workplaces! The racist murder of young Nahel by a police officer in Nanterre (economically deprived suburb of Paris) on 27 June sparked a wave of indignation and revolt against systemic racism and incessant police violence, particularly against young people of North African or […]

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A Deeply Misleading Narrative

Steve Edwards is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Cedric Robinson’s book Black Marxism has influenced a wide layer of academics and activists. But as the review by Steve Edwards explains, the title is misleading. It is in reality an attack on Marxism. Robinson raises a number of arguments which are false and […]

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Seattle’s Working People Won the Nation’s First Ban on Caste Discrimination

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Originally published by the Nation Standing in the Seattle City Council chambers on February 21, an Indian-American tech worker named Naresh recalled the caste discrimination he has faced beginning at age 5 in India. His voice quivered with anger as he thought about the […]

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Indigenous Struggles Against Environmental Racism

Capitalism’s overriding imperative is to extract wealth from the land and labour in order to enrich the elite. Workers struggle to survive or eke out a living as profits flow into the pockets of the wealthy. As capitalism replaced feudalism, the exploitation of both land and labour played out in countries around the world. As […]

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Racism Against Black & Brown Refugees Fleeing Ukraine

Phemelo Motseokae is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (ISA in South Africa). Working class response needed The world is standing on its toes, watching in horror at the unfolding events in Ukraine. Over 2 million people have fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries like Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and other surrounding countries. These […]

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The Debate Around Critical Race Theory

Quinn Angelou-Lysaker is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Debates have broken out in workplaces and school board meetings across the country as the Republican Party fights to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) from the classroom. This debate is only one aspect of a culture war accelerated by the George Floyd rebellion in […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #20

Socialist Answer to Climate Chaos Youth: Fighting for Our Future Doug Ford Hypocrisy Alberta’s Woes Continue Indigenous Struggles Against Environmental Racism Precarious Renters: Berlin Victory Life of a Precarious University Teacher Socialist Sawant Defeats Right Wing Page from History: Japanese Internment Book review: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good Workers Fight Back … and more […]

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Stand with Wet’suwet’en and the Climate

No to Corporate Profiteering Socialist Alternative Canada joins organizations across Canada and the US in calling for the big banks to divest from the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline. Supporters and allies of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have called for the December 20th Week of Action to #DefundCoastalGasLink. In 2020, 27 banks from around the world […]

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Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted: A Travesty of Justice

This verdict should put the final nail in the coffin that the courts can save us from the far right. THE SYSTEM IS GUILTY. The far-right, the police that shot Jacob Blake and celebrated Rittenhouse, and the courts that protect them both all represent the same racist system: capitalism. If we’re going to defeat the […]

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Stolen Lives, Stolen Land

Allie Pev, Métis Cree, Treaty 6, is a member of Socialist Alternative Canada. Canada is stolen land. Canada continues to steal Indigenous lives. One of the most gruesome of Canada’s crimes against Indigenous peoples has been the theft of Indigenous children. Over 1,000 unmarked graves on residential school grounds have been recovered so far; this […]

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