BLM Takes the Court: Sports on Strike

Bruce Castonguay is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. On August 26, exactly four years since Colin Kaepernick began his peaceful protests of systemic racism and injustice in the United States, the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks set in motion a political strike that will have an important impact on the movement for black lives […]

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Revolt For Black Lives in Kenosha

Teddy Shibabaw is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The whole system is guilty! Jacob Blake: unarmed, Black, father, and paralyzed from the waist down. Seven shots in his back at point blank range from a cop’s gun in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The video footage taken by a bystander witness is unmistakable. Just as […]

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US: The Role of the Working Class in Fighting Racism

Keely Mullen is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Two nights after George Floyd was murdered, Minneapolis bus drivers received an urgent request for a fleet of buses at the corner of 26th Street and Hiawatha Avenue in South Minneapolis. The request came from the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) who were gearing up […]

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Seattle in Revolt: #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd, Autonomous Zone, Tax Amazon, Defund the Police

Logan Swan is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. On Saturday, May 30, mass protests in Seattle demanding justice for George Floyd broke out, and were immediately met with the same police violence experienced by protestors across the country. The Seattle Police Department (SPD) deployed teargas and rubber bullets in such volumes that […]

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Socialists and the State: How to End Racist Policing

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The nature of policing in the United States is inseparable from the violent, racist history of capitalism in this country. From slave patrols; to Bull Connor’s unleashing dogs and fire hoses against black protesters in Montgomery during the Civil Rights movement; to the police […]

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Resisting Racism: Present and Future Canadian Protests

This past week, the head of the RCMP finally admitted that there was institutional racism in the force, just days after claiming “we don’t have systemic racism,” in spite of years of evidence to the contrary. The last few weeks alone have shown overwhelming proof of the RCMP’s systematic assault on Canadian racial minorities: the […]

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City Hall Makes Big Promises in Response to Minneapolis Rebellion

Two weeks after the dawn of a working-class rebellion, led by young people of color, shook the political establishment to its core, there is a growing discussion about where the movement should go from here. Because of the strength of the movement, the same Democratic Party politicians who presided over the social conditions that led […]

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Mass Movement Against Racism Sweeps the US

Keely Mullen is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. At 8:25 pm on May 25 George Floyd stopped breathing. Moments later his pulse stopped. It was two minutes before Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin removed his knee from Floyd’s neck. Less than an hour later, he was pronounced dead. On the day of […]

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Eye-Witness in Minneapolis: Mass, Coordinated Action Needed to Win

No Trust in the Same Political Establishment That Killed George Floyd! #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd George Floyd gasped “I can’t breathe,” again and again, for nine long minutes. This is murder. It is murder at the hands of the Minneapolis Police. Yet the recent racist killings of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless cases of racist […]

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Racist Murder in the US: Justice for George Floyd

Minneapolis — No Trust in Mayor Frey or Trump’s FBI George Floyd suffocated to death with a Minneapolis Police Officer’s knee to his neck on May 25th, 2020. Video of Floyd’s murder released by the Washington Post clearly shows the police lied about Floyd resisting arrest. Murdered as someone who “looked like a suspect,” the events surrounding […]

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