Solidarity with Rail Workers

Rail Strike Update, November 16 The Canadian government, with support of the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB), has forced the 9,300 rail workers, members of the Teamsters union, back to work. This flouts the democratic rights of workers to go on strike. The workers voted, with 99 percent in favour, for the strike. The Supreme […]

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For-Profit Railroads Caused Disaster in Ohio

Keely Mullen is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Thousands of people in East Palestine, Ohio were told it was safe to return home after a Norfolk Southern train derailment left their town covered in a heavy toxic smoke and flames, and coated in highly flammable chemicals. But far from returning to the […]

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Rail Workers Betrayed by Biden and the “Squad”

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A socialist cannot be a strike breaker. This needs to be the end of any pretense by DSA that the “Squad” is socialist, and should result in their expulsion from the organization. Failing that, the Squad’s betrayal of the working class becomes DSA’s betrayal. […]

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Greyhound Left the Station, and Canada

Greyhound has closed all its services across Canada. In 2018, it announced the closure of all its services in Western Canada and the federal government did nothing. This was a criminally missed opportunity to take over the entire, already-existing, Canada-wide bus network. Will they fail again this time? The loss of Greyhound leaves hundreds of […]

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Canada-Wide Transport Disaster – Public Ownership Needed

In 1967 the Boxtops sang “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane, ain’t got time to take a fast train.” 53 years later in the Canada of COVID-19, the chances of going anywhere, whether by plane or train or even long-distance bus, are severely limited. Even before COVID, Canada’s transportation system between towns and cities […]

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