Canadian Establishment Stokes Fear of War in Ukraine

“Even as the West pushes for a diplomatic solution to escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, it is bracing and today further preparing for the possibility of war.” These words led off the January 24 broadcast of CBC’s flagship evening news show “The National,” and they encapsulate very well the tone that the Canadian media […]

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Warmongers Whip Up a Dangerous Situation in Ukraine

Workers’ unity essential to fight the threat of war. Political and economic earthquakes are being prepared globally as the forces of US and Chinese imperialism move from a state of cooperation to open competition. As these forces collide, shock waves ripple around the world dis-organising, disrupting, and re-organising the relationships between the different imperialist powers. […]

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Siberia’s Forests Burning

Dariya Kozhonova is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia). They Must Once Again Become the Lungs of the Planet, Not Its Exhaust Pipe. The Siberian fires alone are bigger than those currently burning in the rest of the world combined. The front that firefighters have to fight is over 2000 kilometers long. Wildfires […]

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Boris Yeltsin stands on a tank in front of journalist during the failed 1991 coup against Mikhail Gorbachov

30 Years Ago — Defeat of Anti-Gorbachev Coup Leads to Collapse of USSR

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). The impression of the press conference on August 19, 1991 as eight aged generals, KGB officers and Stalinist bureaucrats announced “emergency rule” could not have filled those who hoped they would save the Soviet Union with confidence. Nothing could demonstrate better how the junta […]

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Russia — Anti-Corruption Protests

Down with the Tsar — For a New 1917 Over 100 cities across nine time zones from Vladivostok in the Far East to Kaliningrad on the Baltic Coast, from Magadan and Murmansk through Yakutia, where the temperature was fifty degrees below zero, to sunny Sochi on the Black Sea and Sebastopol in Crimea, were shaken […]

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Nagorno-Karabakh: Self-Determination Sacrificed to Redraw Imperialist Map

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia). The latest phase of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, appears to have been concluded. Fighting which started at the end of September ended with a “peace agreement” on November 10 leaving thousands of soldiers and civilians dead and the map of […]

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Urgent Solidarity with Moscow Activists Needed

Answer violence with Solidarity – Need for Urgent Action. More arrests in Moscow. On International Day against Violence Against Women, once again Moscow police have acted in a completely unjustified manner. In St Petersburg a picket was held successfully and peacefully. In Moscow the authorities refused permission for an action, fearing it would be as […]

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Thousands of Nameless and Faceless Heroes — the History of the Trotskyist Left Opposition

George Martin Fell Brown is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia) . On 20th August 1940, Lev Davidovich (Leon) Trotsky was brutally murdered by one of Stalin’s henchmen. To commemorate his work and examine his ideas International Socialist Alternative is publishing a […]

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Siberia: Climate Change and Environmental Catastrophe in — a Vicious Circle

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia). If Siberia were a country, it would be the biggest in the world, stretching from the Arctic to Mongolia and Central Asia, from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural mountains on the edge of Europe. It contains incredible nature including the magnificent Lake Baikal […]

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Russia: Putin launches a creeping constitutional coup

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). 20 January 2020 It appears to have come as a complete shock even to government ministers, when towards the end of his annual ‘State of the nation’ speech, Russian President Putin announced a series of constitutional amendments aimed, he said, at reducing the power […]

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