Spain: Over 1 million students on strike against sexism and for inclusive sex education

1.5 million students join strike and 100,000 take to the streets! The general student strike called by the Sindicato de Estudiantes (SE – students union) and Libres y Combativas (free and combative, socialist feminist platform of SE and Izquierda Revolucionaria – CWI in the Spanish state) has been a powerful success. More than 1.5 million […]

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Walk-out against sexual harassment at Google

Anonymous Google worker, San Francisco Bay Area. #MeToo hit the tech world as thousands, of Google employees, led by women, organized a historic walkout from work on November 1 at 11:10 AM. Spurred by a October 25 New York Times article highlighting that Google “systemically allowed senior executives accused of sexual misconduct to leave the […]

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Spain: Millions on the streets against sexism and capitalist oppression

Historic feminist strike, now continue the struggle! The feminist strike on 8 March was unprecedented. Never in the history of the class struggle in the Spanish state have such a deep and massive mobilisation against the oppression of working class women, against inequality and violence against women. Hundreds of marches took place from morning to […]

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Trudeau’s Cabinet: Does it Kick Sexism?

This is a revised version of an article first published in Pakistan. Justin Trudeau’s appointment as Canada’s new prime minister has generated an incredible response from the global community. Whether it’s his photogenic good looks, his demeanour as the down-to-earth friend of the people or his no-austerity promises, Trudeau has not only given Canadian society […]

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