Prince Andrew & the Depraved Culture of the Ruling Class

Aislinn O’Keeffe is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). Spoilt British ‘Royal’ Prince Andrew, who would scream and shout if his collection of teddy bears was disturbed, is now facing civil action in the US, after his friend, the socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, has been found guilty of soliciting and trafficking under-age girls. […]

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Ashling Murphy’s Murder: A Watershed Moment to Challenge Male Violence

Keishia Taylor is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland) and ROSA. An unprecedented wave of grief and anger has gripped the country following the devastating murder of 23 year-old Ashling Murphy in Tullamore. Tens of thousands have participated in countless vigils in every city, town and village in Ireland, North and South, […]

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Walk-out against sexual harassment at Google

Anonymous Google worker, San Francisco Bay Area. #MeToo hit the tech world as thousands, of Google employees, led by women, organized a historic walkout from work on November 1 at 11:10 AM. Spurred by a October 25 New York Times article highlighting that Google “systemically allowed senior executives accused of sexual misconduct to leave the […]

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Republicans Double Down to Defend Sexual Predator – For Mass Demonstrations to Stop Kavanaugh

Erin Brightwell is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Thanks to the power of the #MeToo movement and the courage of Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and now Julie Swetnick, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, appearing only days ago to be a virtual lock, is now hanging by a […]

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