US: LA Teachers Defeat Privatizers! Strike Claims A Victory

Christopher Carroll is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. After a six day strike, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) on Tuesday, January 22, ratified a new contract with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). This was the biggest and most important strike yet in the nationwide teachers’ revolt that began in […]

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Caravan Crisis Exposes Corruption of Capitalism

Christopher Carroll is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A caravan of thousands of migrants has amassed in Tijuana at the US-Mexico border near San Diego. Migrants seeking asylum from violence in their native countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, they traveled for weeks just to reach the border. Upon arriving, they […]

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Socialist Feminism and the New Women’s Movement

Kelly Bellin is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A new women’s movement is emerging in the US and internationally in the context of major threats to women’s hard won gains from vicious reactionary forces. Donald Trump’s election victory drove millions to the streets, and has further radicalized a section of society on […]

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Republicans Double Down to Defend Sexual Predator – For Mass Demonstrations to Stop Kavanaugh

Erin Brightwell is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Thanks to the power of the #MeToo movement and the courage of Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and now Julie Swetnick, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, appearing only days ago to be a virtual lock, is now hanging by a […]

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Trump’s Trade War: What’s the Socialist Alternative?

Tony Wilsdon is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The last month has seen the unfolding of Trump’s promise to use tariffs as a weapon to make the U.S. “great again.” What will be the consequence of these policies? More importantly, will they help turn around the U.S. economy for working people? If […]

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US: Teacher Revolt Shakes the Establishment

Alan Jones is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Militant strikes and mass demonstrations of tens of thousands of teachers, students and community supporters have spread like a wildfire across the states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Arizona, and Oklahoma since the end of February in the U.S. Other teacher actions, demonstrations, and one-day […]

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Police Lawsuit Aims to Silence Kshama Sawant – Defend Seattle’s Voice for Working People

Ty Moore is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Seattle’s socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant is facing two defamation lawsuits, the aim of which is to silence an outstanding representative of working people and the oppressed. The first is from two police officers who shot and killed a black man in 2016. The […]

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Kentucky Teachers Join the National Fight Back

Chris Gray and Keely Mullen are members of Socialist Alternative in the US. Thousands of teachers and students flooded the Kentucky State Capital on Monday, April 2, to oppose vicious Republican-backed cuts to pension programs and the threat of cuts to education funding. The majority of counties were on spring break, but every one of […]

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Radical Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. — From Montgomery to Vietnam

This article was first published in 2008, but is even more relevant today with a Trump presidency, Black Lives Matter and rising struggles across the US. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was killed on April 4, 1968 while supporting striking Memphis sanitation workers. Unfortunately, […]

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The Vietnam War: US’s War Machine Was Stopped

George Martin Fell Brown is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Forty years ago, on April 30 at 7:53 in the morning, the Marine helicopter Swift 2-2 departed from the United States embassy in Saigon, capital of South Vietnam. The helicopter carried the last batch of soldiers who had been waging a brutal, protracted war […]

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