Greyhound Left the Station, and Canada

Greyhound has closed all its services across Canada. In 2018, it announced the closure of all its services in Western Canada and the federal government did nothing. This was a criminally missed opportunity to take over the entire, already-existing, Canada-wide bus network. Will they fail again this time? The loss of Greyhound leaves hundreds of […]

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The Costs of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EV) are hot news. Sales worldwide soared in 2020, increasing by 43 percent over the previous year. Automakers and governments are embracing new EV markets and pushing electric vehicles as one of the most important solutions to climate change. Governments around the world are announcing support for the shift to EVs. Biden’s proposed […]

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Canada-Wide Transport Disaster – Public Ownership Needed

In 1967 the Boxtops sang “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane, ain’t got time to take a fast train.” 53 years later in the Canada of COVID-19, the chances of going anywhere, whether by plane or train or even long-distance bus, are severely limited. Even before COVID, Canada’s transportation system between towns and cities […]

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Bombardier vs Boeing – David vs Goliath?

Should we be feeling sorry for “our Canadian” Bombardier as it is being picked on by the US giant Boeing which, in turn, is being backed by US government? On Ocober 26, as reported by the Canadian Press “the US Department of Commerce clobbered aerospace giant Bombardier with a 220% duty on the sale of […]

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Australia: Major community victory stops Melbourne’s East-West Toll Road

Socialist Party leads successful campaign against Toll Road and for investment in public transport Last week, state elections in Victoria saw a new Labour government elected, which promised to scrap Melbourne’s (AU) $6-8 billion East West Link toll road project. This is a major victory for community campaigners and activists. The anti-Toll Road campaign was […]

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