End of Liberals Looms

Chrystia Freeland’s resignation as Finance Minister is the latest blow to the crumbling Trudeau government. The NDP has stated it will vote “no confidence” in the government. How the government’s demise plays out is being debated now by Liberal MPs, as they face humiliating defeat in the election that is probably only months away. Unfortunately, for […]

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WE saga – Three strikes and you’re still in!

The first thing to note about the WE saga and Trudeau’s previous brushes with matters “ethical” (e.g., the Aga Khan trip, SNC Lavalin) is the obsession that the media has with these issues at the expense of more blatant ethical scandals such as the thousands of deaths in the long-term care homes or the deadly […]

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SNC Lavalin headquarters

Trudeau’s Tarnished Image

Until recently, Justin Trudeau was the darling of liberals around the world. In the 2015 election he promised “sunny ways,” seeming to offer everything – electoral reform, tackling climate change, reducing inequality, respect for women, Indigenous rights and more. His Liberal party gained 150 seats and he became Canada’s Prime minister in October. In the […]

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Crimes of SNC-Lavalin

The political scandal of the year is unravelling. At the forefront of media coverage are the high profile politicians: PM Justin Trudeau, ex Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Trudeau’s top political advisor, Gerald Butts. What seems to whet the media’s appetite is speculation surrounding the “scandal” – who pressured whom, who’s telling the truth, who’s […]

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Trudeau Gives in to Kinder Morgan’s Blackmail

Trudeau has capitulated to Kinder Morgan’s blackmail. Canada’s Liberal government will buy the existing pipeline that runs from Alberta’s tar sands to the port of Vancouver for $4.5 billion. It is now Trudeau’s pipeline. It will be up to his government to try to force through the pipeline expansion against mass resistance. Trudeau’s decision will […]

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Trudeau: Environmental Hypocrite Melts the Arctic

In the 117 months that Harper was Prime Minister, not a single major tars sands pipeline was approved. In just 13 months, Trudeau approved two major pipelines, Kinder Morgan’s line to Vancouver and Enbridge’s line to Lake Superior. These two pipelines will add more than double BC’s current annual total release of CO2 to the […]

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Trudeau Shows True Colours

The Liberal government is well into its second year and Trudeau’s initial aura is fast fading. Through most of 2016, Liberal poll support was nearly 50%. In the last few months, support has dropped to around 40%. Both the Tories and NDP have made modest gains, but the polls are more or less at the […]

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Where are Trudeau’s Sunny Ways?

Justin Trudeau took power in October 2016 adopting the mantra of sunny ways. After more than a year, how has he done? If he was a figure skater his performance might score high on style, but considerably lower on content/substance. Or as a young friend put it, “The smile is a change from before but […]

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Trudeau Treachery – Liberals Approve Tar Sands Pipeline

Most of the world sees Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, as a progressive leader with a smiling face. He gained widespread support around the world for his promises at the Paris Climate Change conference to aim for 1.5o C temperature increase. The reality is different, as he announced on November 29 the government’s approval of […]

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What is Trudeau doing about the Environment?

During last year’s Federal election Justin Trudeau made lots of speeches about changing the relationship with First Nations and protecting the environment. The Liberal election platform promised “a renewed, nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples, based on recognition, rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership.” They stated that they “will provide national leadership and join with the provinces […]

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